Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Environmental Factors OF Sleep & Supervising Children
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Environmental Factors OF Sleep & Supervising Children

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:20 am
by punk6288
i have re done these 3 time and they keep coming back as wrong please help

6. Briefly explain the key environmental factors that can impact on rest and sleep within an early childhood education and care setting.

• respect children’s individual sleep and rest requirements by providing three separate areas for sleeping, resting and quiet activities, and ensuring that children have access to calm and quiet areas throughout the day. During rest time, there is an area that is available for children who will have a nap. Another area is provided for children who do not usually sleep, but would prefer to rest or draw or read quietly on their own. Children who do not usually require a sleep or rest can participate in focused or intentional planned small group activities, or guided relaxation with educators on the shaded veranda—or other parts of the centre. Educators talk with families about individual children’s needs and preferences for sleep and rest times.

7. Outline two (2) strategies you can implement to adequately supervise children to ensure safety.

• Carefully plan rosters that ensure continuity of care and adequate supervision at all times when children are being cared for and educated in the service and on excursions.

• Children must be adequately supervised at all times that they are being educated and cared for both at the service and on excursions. Supervision can prevent and reduce accidents through early detection of potential hazards and an awareness of the children, and their activities. The education and care service must prioritise regular assessment of their supervision practices in order to increase educator’s awareness of their duty of care and to continuously improve supervision procedures. • Ensure that a risk assessment is carried out before an authorisation is sought for an excursion. The risk assessment will consider and identify the number of adults required to ensure continuous adequate supervision throughout the excursion.

Re: Environmental Factors OF Sleep & Supervising Children

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:59 am
by Lorina