Aussie Childcare Network Forum • eden scenarios
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eden scenarios

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:49 pm
by hetalpatel
Eden (3.6 years) still has regular toileting accident- she often wets herself because she doesn't want to leave her play and leaves it unit the very last minute to rush to the toilet. Eden is at the puzzle table when the educator notices a pool of liquid under her chair . the educator approaches eden and gently prompts her about her accident,guides her to the bathroom and quietly alerts another staff member about the accident who proceeds to clean the area. The educator retrieves eden's change of clothes and offers assistance. Eden begins to undress and change her clothing,placing the wet clothing in a bag the educator is holding. the educator explains where these items will be stored until parents arrive for pick up.eden appears anxious about having an accident and the educator reassures her that accidents happen and comments that she will always be able to return to play after using the toilet.

That afternoon, the educator takes eden's mother aside to a private area away from the children and other families, and talks to her about eden's accident and how eden seemed a bit upset and anxious. eden's mother explained that they were getting frustrated with eden's accidents at home and were not sure how best to manage them. the educator discussed the importance of staying calm and reassuring eden and to use gentle reminders regularly. she gave eden's mum some further strategies on helping eden be better tuned in to her body so that she can get to the toilet on time.

Question : 1- identify the ways that the educator supports eden's self-esteem and privacy in relation to her toileting accident.
ques 2 : in relation to the EYLF outcome1. choose a component that you think relates to the scenario above. justify your answer.

please help me to give this answers
thank you in advance

Re: eden scenarios

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:06 pm
by nemodori
i also need help for this one...