Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Creating A Project Book Of Children's Experiences
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Creating A Project Book Of Children's Experiences

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:02 pm
by milena
Support cluster - Assessment 2 - Task 4

Complete a 'project book' detailing the group's interest and experiences you provided in a way that is professional.
Display this at the education and care service as a resource for children to revisit and include feedback received from the educators at the education and care service, families at the service and your focus group and other children in the group regarding the interest project book. Record this feedback *verbal or written) and reflect on the response.

What is a project book?
I have only 2 more days of work placement and 1 more experience to implement. How can I get family feedback in 2 days?
Do I have to send my project book with my assignments? Write the feedback and reflection and all?

Don't know what to do here! :|

Re: Creating A Project Book Of Children's Experiences

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:09 am
by Lorina
By the sounds of it, this Project Book is basically a book that holds each of the experiences you have planned for the children during your work placement. On each page you an include photos of the experiences and write a brief description on what happened during each of the experiences. You could also include space "feedback" that the educators/parents can add to or you could write the children's comments and also a "reflection" space where you can add your reflection on the feedback you have received.

I don't think you will be able to complete this task in 2 days since it seems like you haven't started your project book yet. It may take a day just to add the photos and the descriptions and make it really professional looking. Then you could show it to a few parents and educators to add their feedback etc.

I'm not sure when you have to hand this in...

Hope this helps,


Re: Creating A Project Book Of Children's Experiences

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:19 pm
by milena
Thanks Lorina!
I have everything I need. Running against time... my assessor is coming this Wednesday, so I'll check with her what I am supposed to do, but I want to have my book ready by then. Hopefully I'll be able to finish everything by the end of the month :-)