Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCPRT001 - Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Abuse
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CHCPRT001 - Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Abuse

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:47 pm
by muffin
Case study 2
Ace is a 3 year old boy who has attended your service two days per week since he was 9 months old. You have always observed Ace to be a very bright and happy child who is affectionate with both the children and educators at the service.
Recently, Ace, has become very clingy with his mother when she leaves the service, grabbing her legs and crying for her to take him with her. Ace’s mother is bewildered at this change in his behaviour as he previously used to wake up each morning asking, “Kindy today?” and expressing delight when she confirmed it was a kindy day. She also stated that he doesn’t like going anywhere without her and turned on such a fit when she went to go to the hairdressers last week that she ended up taking him with her.
Although toilet trained for the last six months, Ace has started to have ‘accidents’ and refuses to use the toilet. His mother has reported to you that he is chronically constipated and that it hurts him to empty his bowels, so she has put him back in nappies.
One day, while you are outside cleaning out the guinea pig cage, Ace comes and stands next to you and watches. He sits on your lap and you start to talk about the guinea pigs and what pets you would like to own. In the course of your conversation, Ace tells you that he doesn’t want to go to his grandmother’s house anymore, even though she has chickens. He tells you that his uncle makes him pat his bunny every time he goes there and that he doesn’t like it. You ask him if the bunny scratches him or bites him, and Ace tells you that it can’t, but it really hurts him. This doesn’t seem to make sense, so you get a piece of paper and have Ace draw you a picture of the bunny. Ace draws a picture of a man’s genitalia surrounded by pubic hair and tells you “That’s the bunny”.

3. Who, in your service, would you discuss your concerns with?
I would discuss my concerns with the appropriate supervisor

5. Describe how you would respond to Ace during his disclosure. Ensure your response is in accordance with your work role and organisational policies and procedures.
As a child care educator, I should be conscious of the possible signs of child abuse/neglect and have a clear understanding of my responsibilities and the procedures of reporting child protection issues. Confidentiality and privacy are important but should not override the safety of children or young people. It is important to remain calm and in control of my feelings in order to reassure the child that his safety is of the upmost importance and action will be taken to ensure the child is protected from further calm and not to discuss the situation with others not directly involved with helping the child. Also I will ensure to act according with the organisational- up to date policies and legal ethics.

7. How would you continue to support Ace and maintain his trust?

4. Who wouldn’t you tell about your concerns?

can some one help me to go on the right track

thank you

Re: CHCPRT001 - Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Abuse

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:56 am
by Lorina
[attachment=0]child abuse handbook.pdf[/attachment]


Re: CHCPRT001 - Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Abuse

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:14 pm
by muffin

Re: CHCPRT001 - Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:48 pm
by Alps
Hello all

My name is Alka and currently studying in Cert 3 in Early child care and education support and stuck with my assessment with 3 times resubmission. It will be great if any one can help with Children at risk

CHCPRT001 - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCECE013 - Use information about children to inform practice

The questions are as follows

Q.1. You work with a range of at-risk children in a very low socio-economic area. Cheryl is 5 years old. You suspect she is being neglected as her parents are unemployed and heavily using AOD (alcohol and other drugs). She tells you that her family is now homeless. You have been working with her for almost three years and know her very well.
The director has also noticed a change in her behaviour lately. Recently, Cheryl tells you about her home life including some details that may lead you to suspect that Cheryl is being neglected.
You decide to learn more about some of the issues mentioned above. During your research, complete the following in regards to caring for children.

Review your definition of homelessness you have not provided what might you see notice that is the concern in a children's service setting.
Homeless means children who are often separated from their parents, which can cause life long negative effects. Children’s who are homeless are more likely toexperience major developmental delays from emotional problems and receive fewer services than other children their age.
Reasons to be concerned in relation to a child in your service:

Example 1 Dylan 1 year and 3 months coming to child care in the morning with his aunty with same yesterdays clothes smelly and dirty. His aunty was in a rush to go to work so she left her after dropping her. Dylan started crying and became irritable, i went to him to make him comfortable changed him to his clothes provided by child care, changed his diaper and cleaned him thoroughly and gave him something to eat, once he was settle then he started disclosing his talks by saying that we were sleeping the car and my mum wasn’t able to make me change and give milk and so I was upset. Homeless children cry more easily, react more intensely when upset, tend to overreact to small things or any activities and are easily distressed as they don’t get to the do most of the work. Assisting parents in supporting their children’s school attendance and performance as it might include helping parents to enrol their children in school and also in assisting children in participating in recreational activities.

Example 2 Homeless children have greater chance of diseases such as cold, cough, diarrhoea, so Ensuring that all homeless children receive screening at time of admission into centre.
Encouraging the use food supplement to meet the increased nutritional needs of children and Assisting parents in understanding their children’s nutritional needs.
You have not provided specific concerns that you might notice in a child care service. We do not require you to explain what you might do.
Child abuse can be a single incident, or can be a number of different incidents that take place over time and can harm in different such as physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Neglect means when a child or young person is deprived of physical &/or emotional care and nurturing. Neglect occurs when a child’s basic necessities of life are not met and their health and development are affected .i.e. food, housing, clothing, personnel hygiene.
Students with disabilities are at a higher risk to suffer abuse or neglect.
Reasons to be concerned in relation to a child in your service:

Example 1 If educator suspects a child has been or is being abused or neglected or has any bruise or marks on then remain alert to any warning signs or indicators that a child is experiencing or is at risk of abuse then observe the child and make written notes as soon as you begin to have concerns and pay attention to changes in their behaviour, ideas, feelings and the words they use. Assure that the child that they can come and talk to you when they need to, and listen to them when they do talk in calm way.
Failure to provide adequate nutrition, medical care, clothing, shelter & supervision, no stimulation & nurturing experience

Example 2 Every child has a right has a right to be protected by the adults they trust. If a child tells you they are being abused find a private place to talk and remain calm with no expression of shock or panic. Be supportive with a great listener and not a investigator by asking multiple questions rather explain or tell them what has happened is not their fault, for example, “you are not in trouble” and “if I look or sound upset it is because I want you to feel safe” As a concerned supervisor can contact the Department of Child Safety and Disability Services and ask how best to respond to the situation by keeping information confidential and tell to only those who absolutely need to know should be told at this point.
Review your definition of Unemployment (poverty) you have not provided what might you see notice that is the concern in a children's service setting.
Not only on the individual but have major problems for the whole family financially and stress. Families require lots of support. Families have to cut down on what they live on. This may mean cutting out extras such as swimming, dancing, sports, take aways, holidays.
Reasons to be concerned in relation to a child in your service:

Example 1 Children might come to the centre hungry as the parents don’t have enough money to buy food

Example 2 Parents will increases stress and more understanding and support needed as the children will increase the mental sickness. Children don’t see necessarily see the homelessness but they see the relationship with the family and their presence.
Q.2. You come to the decision that you should put together some notes regarding Cheryl’s behaviour and disclosures in the last few weeks so that you can give it to your director. Complete the table below. Remember that Cheryl is a fictional character so you can make up any details (within reason). *Hint – Your observations/notes should increase in severity.
Observations and notes
Child: Cheryl Observer:
Date, time and place Description of event (such as disclosure or observation)
ACC Child care centre
8.55am Cheryl arrives at the centre on Friday morning very emotional. It is her second day at the centre. She is given to the caregiver but is very distressed from separating from her depressed mother. She keeps on crying, the caregiver puts her on the floor with other children. Cheryl is very upset and she doesn’t stop crying. I approach her, squat down to her eye level and confront her. I carry her, hug her and tell her that I know you are upset but mum will come and pick you after your afternoon tea.
10.00am Cheryl was playing in the sandpit where other children were also playing. She filled a bucket full of sand and tipped it on himself. I went to Cheryl and told her “I am concerned about you tipping the sand on yourself, because it will get the sand in your eyes and your friend’s eyes that are playing near you. I need you to decide whether you are going to play in the sandpit and keep the sand low or if you are going to play in another area outside”. My words didn’t made any difference as it wasn’t successful as he neglected me because he filled the bucket again and tipped it on himself and this time to his friends also and the sand entered his eyes.
11.45 am Cheryl was holding on to the toy pram near the sandpit and Shaun wanted to play with it. Cheryl was drawing on the ground and holding the pram. She became physical and threw herself on the ground and started hurting herself by hitting herself when Shaun took the pram.
I told Cheryl “I know you are upset because Shaun has taken the toy pram but you need to share and let your friends play with the toy pram or play something else. Shaun will give the pram when he has finished playing with it. I want you to decide if you want to share or play with something else.
Who did you report this to: I would report it to the qualified staff member verbally and see what she says and also she starts observing if it’s creating problems for other children and how I would also document the problem and talk to the manager verbally.
Contact details for the reporting authority (the government department in your state who you may contact)
A disclosure may bring to surface strong emotions such as shock, anger and helplessness in the staff member hearing it. It’s important to work through these emotions post incident from support personnel from DCP or councillors.

Would get help from someone outside the centre, child protection.

*Developed for training purposes only*
Q.3.b How can symptoms/signs of abuse manifest differently depending on factors such as the age of the child or if the child has a disability?
You can answer this with an explanation, example or combination of both.
(i.e. 0-2 years and 3-5 years)
Disability Child’s Name: Lucy
Child’s age: 5 years old
Observer: Alpa
Date: 28th May 2018
Time: 11: 45am
When I was setting the table for lunch, Lucy came and told me “I’ve got a secret to tell you”. I sat down with her in a distance where others can’t hear. Lucy said, “Uncle Ryan keeps touching my privates and makes me touch his thingy.”
Physical – Lucy’s mother Kristy had black eye, swelling and redness on her cheek
Sexual – Lucy’s uncle touched her privates deliberately and making her touch his thing.
Emotional – Lucy’s mother no longer gives her a cuddle or asks how her day was when she comes to pick her. Lucy is aggressive towards other children, punching and kicking them.
Neglect – Kristy is less interested on how Annabelle is. Annabelle sits alone without interacting with other children. Difficulty learning can be a result of abuse for complex reasons. Much of the child's energy is directed toward surviving the abuse and coping with stress. Lucy will begin to develop low self-esteem and might become depressive because she doesn’t engage in play or interact with other children. Her behavior will change loss of confidence and poor self-image. She doesn’t interact with others, has withdrawn herself from playing, and becomes aggressive with other children - social and emotional developmental delay.
(i.e. 0-2 years and 3-5 years)
Disability: Jacob lives with his parents Carl and Sara and his older brother Sam. The family frequently goes shopping on the weekends. Austin attends childcare every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8am until 5pm. He has been attending since he was 8 months old and reduced his days from five to three when he started going to pre-school.
Observation of Jacob

Jacob Age: 4years 3 months

Date: 10/5/2018 Time: 11:15pm

Observer: Alpa

Indoors after lunch during mat session at the book corner. This is well established with a couch, and cushions. There are a wide variety of books available for children to read.


During the mat session after lunch, all children gathered at the book corner. The educator Katie asked “did we all have a nice lunch?” They all answered “yes”. She then asked “what happens next door?” She said, “all children in the pre-kindy room are going to sleep so we need to put our quiet voices on.” Jacob said “we don’t want to shout because pre-kindy is sleeping”. Katie then said, “that’s right Jacob”. She then said, “now I am going to pull out from the show and tell box and whoever’s it is will tell us about it. She pulled out a toy and asked, “whose is this?” Jacob raised his hand and said “it’s mine”. Katie told him to come and sit on the couch She asked, “tell me and your friends what it is?” He answered, “it’s a monkey”. Katie then asked, “where did you get it from?” He answered, “from the shops”. She then said, “it’s very soft isn’t it?” He said, “yes”. Katie then told the other children, “who has questions for Jacob?” Bryce, Hannah, Dylan and Riley raised their hands. Jacob pointed to Dylan and said “Dylan”. Dylan asked, “where does it sleep?” Jacob answered “in the basket”. He then pointed to Riley and said “Riley”. Ryle asked, “do you play with it all the time?” Jacob answered, “not all the time”. Katie said, “I have a question for you “does it wear seatbelt when it goes in the car? Jacob answered “yes it sits with me and the seatbelt goes over it”.
Jacob has the knowledge of monkeys and answering questions. He is interested in show and tell because he quickly puts his hand up as the educator removed the toy. He has relationship with the educator because he listens to what she is asking and answering appropriately. He also has a relationship with Dylan and Riley as he wants them to ask him questions.

Q.4.A What is an ethical decision and give an example in relation to abuse and neglect.

You have not provided an example in relation to abuse and neglect. Please give an example between 0 to 5 years child care related
What is it Ethics are guidelines on what is acceptable behaviour. It is the examination of decision making about what is good or bad, right or wrong A person’s wellbeing is my first consideration. I make those decisions based on how I would feel if I was in that persons situation, or if it was a member of my family. I would like to think other people would do the same as I would in those situations.
Cindy has been attending the centre since she was 6months old, she is now 3. Her mum had been a single mother since she was born and has recently gotten into a new relationship. You have built up a strong relationship with Cindy’s mum and can see how happy she is since her new relationship started. She is deeply involved in the centre and always happy to volunteer her time and help around the centre in anyway. All the staff knows and love Cindy and her mum and value her. Cindy’s behaviour in recent times has begun to change and she has recently been displaying some inappropriate sexualised behaviours. You have never witnessed Cindy displaying these kinds of behaviours before and are concerned by it. You feel like it’s something that needs to be reported but know her mum may be hurt in the process.
Do you report the inappropriate behaviours?
Do you bring them up with Cindy’s mum?

Please help me.

Thanks in advance