Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCPR301C- Setting Up Indoor/Outdoor Spaces
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CHCPR301C- Setting Up Indoor/Outdoor Spaces

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:52 pm
by bronwyn.71
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCPR301C Provide experiences to support children's play and learning
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
The early childhood education centre where you work has just added a new room and outdoor space for children 2 -3 years. To prepare for the opening you have been given the job of setting up the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Choose 4 of the play area/learning centres (2 indoor and 2 outdoor) and

1. Explain why the area might need to be changed once the children start attending.
2. Explain how you would ensure that the learning environment is safe for the children.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Home Corner - as this area is new to the room, changes in regards to size of the physical area and amount of items in home corner may need to be adjusted.

I would need to look at how the area is being used and who is using it. Is it being used appropriately?

I would need to look at how many children are utilising the area at one time and possibly set limits on the number of children in there.

I would observe the children and see what their interests are and extend on their interest in regards to home corner and adjust the setting accordingly.

If necessary move home corner next to block area in order for play to be extended between the two areas sharing materials and ideas.

Puzzles - may need to be moved to make way for the movement of block area next to home corner.

As puzzle play is a quiet activity, the children may not be able to concentrate with block area next to it.

Space may not be quiet enough, pillows may need to added to make area quieter.

Dress - ups - too much choice may be provided, so some outfits may need to be taken away and rotated from week to week.

Depending on the children's interest other experiences may need to be added (eg: children can help make fire engines, shops, castles, boats).

More props may be necessary - maybe prams, shopping carts, babies to provide more stimulation and encourage co-operative play and small group play.

Musical Instruments -by observing how the area is being used once the children attend, subtle changes may need to be made to ensure safety of all children in the playground.

If the children are sitting to play the instruments maybe pillows could be added for comfort.

As it is close to the large open area it may need to be moved to ensure that the CD player and cord are not in reach of the children.

To enable pictures and posters depicting multicultural dancers/singers to be included to the experience, it may need to be moved somewhere near a wall or fence.

As it is a louder play experience, maybe it could be moved to where the books are located, keeping the more physical play experiences together.

To exend on the experience and children's interest, chairs could be added and they could put on a concert for their peers.

. Explain how you would ensure that the learning environment is safe for the children.

Home Corner
. check for broken items
. ensure space is adequate
. check for small items that may be potential choking hazards
. observe play and make sure that children are playing appropriately.
. model appropriate behaviour expectations if necessary.
. encourage the children to keep the items in home corner to avoid potential tripping/slipping hazards.
. Keeping the items clean and hygenic. If you see a child with something in their mouth, explain about germs and putting things in their mouths, remove the item from the area and place in a basket marked soiled toys which can be washed at the end of the day.
. Collect home corner utensils and food items and wash each afternoon, ready for the next day.
. ensure materials are suitable and non toxic.

. check for broken pieces
. check for sharp puzzle pieces that may injure a child
. make sure the puzzle pieces are not too small and may pose a potential choking hazard.
. ensure that puzzle pieces stay on the mat provided so that they do not become a slipping/tripping hazard.
. ensure that the physical environment is adequately set up and that shelves cannot tip over.
. make sure puzzles are kept at a height that can be reached by all the children.
. make sure the mat is big enough to allow children to have their own space without being squashed on top of one another.
. ensure materials are suitable and non toxic.

Dress - ups
. check outfits for rips and tears to ensure children cannot get stuck or they become a tripping hazard.
. check to make sure outfits are not too long and cannot be walked on and become a tripping hazard.
. check outfits for small buttons which could become a choking hazard.
. making sure costumes are kept hygenic (wash once a week).
. Encouraging and modelling where the outfits should be hung/put so that other children in the playground do not trip over them.
. providing a hanging space or boxes for the outfits to be placed in.

Musical Instruments/Music
. check for broken instruments
. make sure there are no small pieces on the instruments that the children could possibly choke on or swallow.
. ensure the physical space is adequate for children to move about freely.
. ensure that the CD player and the cord is kept out of the reach of the children.
. observe the children to make sure that they are using the instruments appropriately and model appropriate behaviour expectations if necessary.
. encourage the children to keep the musical instruments on the mat and when they are finished with them to put them back in the basket to avoid them becoming tripping hazards.

Do these answers sound okay....I am on the home stretch, only 3 assessments to go.

Thanking you in advance.

Description and Message:

Re: Facilitate children's play and leisure

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:44 pm
by Lorina
Your answers are very detailed and provide enough information to support the questions! :thumbup:

Nothing I can think of needs to be added...

Good Luck with the rest of your assignments,


Re: CHCPR301C- Setting Up Indoor/Outdoor Spaces

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 8:06 am
by bronwyn.71
Thank you for your support. Now to fininsh the other 2 assisgnments and do 3 weeks work placement and I will be finished. I love this website, you are so helpful and it's good to read through other assignments. They are all so different, no 2 seem the same. Good luck with the birth of your baby.

Re: CHCPR301C- Setting Up Indoor/Outdoor Spaces

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:59 am
by Kaz
I am with L.A. they are GREAT answers
GOOD LUCK :thumbup: and lucky you finishing soon :D