Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCPR301B
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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:44 pm
by apittman92
Hi All,

Just starting the assignment Provide Experiences to Support Children's Play and Learning.

PART B in Chapter 1,
I have to write down how my service environment supports the individual needs of two children by answering questions.

Question 1,
What individual needs does this child have that you are aware of? Ensure the child's cultural diversity, gender and abilities are taken into account.

I do not know how to show the cultural diversity as all of the children in the service really share the same beliefs, or have no cultural beliefs at all. No one child has beliefs of Muslim or other cultural beliefs.
This is my answer to the question, please guide me if I am in the wrong direction.

Child 1: This child is a male. This child prefers to play outside, and prefers active and physical play, and some imaginary play with cars and trucks on the car mats. He enjoys creative play, such as using Leggo. This child is persistent during a learning activity and prefers to experiment the activity and continue at the activity until he is happy that he can complete the task. This child lives in a family with both parents and a younger sibling, and is very independent. This child’s communication style is very loud, but very clear. He has a good vocabulary and understands instructions, requires redirection towards more positive behaviour. This child is always happy, and does not like being singled out. He enjoys playing with his friends. This child has been at the service for a number of years, so is familiar with the day to day routine.

Child 2: This child is female. She prefers to play inside, and prefers play that is in a quiet area without distractions. She enjoys reading books and drawing, and puzzles. This child requires assistance and direction during activities. This child lives with her mother, and sees her father occasionally. She is very dependent on the staff members at the centre. Her communication style is very quiet, and she tends to use body language rather than words, but can follow basic instructions. This child prefers to play alone. This child has been at the service for only a couple of months, and is still familiarising herself with the day to day routine. This child is Aboriginal, and she enjoys pictures and books

Thanks guys for you help, it is greatly appreciated!


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:42 am
by fchaudari76
In both cases how does your service support the needs of this child?

The little girl is Aboriginal, how is this diversity recognised and respected in your service?

The question does not say cultural beliefs it says cultural diversity. So respecting where they come from and understanding that and relating and providing experiences from that culture, be it Australian, Chinese, Korean, German, Aboriginal etc