Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCIC301D verbal & non verbal communicating strategies
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CHCIC301D verbal & non verbal communicating strategies

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:17 pm
by mandymoo
Hi I'm new here and need help with my assignment. The question is "Outline strategies staff could use to ensure that they are using appropriate and respectful verbal and non-verbal forms of communication with all of the children". This is a case study were there are child of different multicultural backgrounds and some can't speak English

Re: CHCIC301D neep help please

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:12 pm
by Lorina
Hi Mandymoo,

Welcome to the forum :mrgreen: !

For those children who come from multi cultural background using non-verbal communication is perhaps the easiest way to get your message across. Strategies you can use to support this include:

- Researching different ways of using non - verbal communication.

- Have all staff members using the same method (such as hand gestures) of non-verbal communication so those children begin to understand what you are implying.

- Talk to the parents of the children and find out simple words and phrases in their home language that you can use to communicate with the child.

- Provide support through an interpreter (it could be another child, a staff member, a parent who can speak the same language as the child) to help you communicate with the child.

- Display visual images around the room, at different areas (for e.g. in the bathroom, a picture above the toilet of a child flushing the toilet, a picture of a child near the sink washing their hands,etc) for the child to visually understand what they need to do.

Hopefully this gives you a few ideas on what strategies you can use,

Cheers :geek:,

Re: CHCIC301D neep help please

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:55 pm
by fchaudari76
I have found from actual experience getting parents to write down phrases & words u will need to know is a great tool (even with mispronunciation!:D) saying something in the childs language & then repeated in English also speeds up their learning of those things since they hear the two together they learn to associate it quicker than eg u just pointing to something and saying "toilet, toilet"

With non-verbals I find it is a natural & most children will understand head nods & shakes and a hand up for no etc .... and most people tend to use the same non verbals no matter what background they are from...usually anyway

Like LA said visuals are also good ... u can make little booklets with pictures as eg Going to the toilet
1. pic of sitting on toilet
2 pic of using toilet paper
3. pic of flushing
4 pic of washing hands
5 pic of drying hands

These booklets can be made for a range of things and would be useful to all children

Re: CHCIC301D neep help please

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:17 pm
by mandymoo
Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it :)