Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCIC301D - ideas??
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CHCIC301D - ideas??

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:53 pm
by Jeska
Hi i just need some help creating 2 scenarios...
one is to be about 0-6 yr olds
the other about 6-12 yr olds

Background for the scenario: Imagine that the child has only been attending the service for one week. The child and the family members have had an orientation but you are still trying to get to know each other.

The scenarios should include 3 or 4 examples of your interactions throughout the day.

Any help is appreciated :)

Re: CHCIC301D - ideas??

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:29 pm
by Lorina
Hi Jeska,

For each scenario think about what you would say to the parent's and child to get to know them better. You could ask parents what their child's interest are and maybe set up an activity that reflects the child's interest. Then when the child comes and finds that you set up an activity that they are interested in you can begin to ask them questions. For e.g. Joseph's dad tells you he loves Thomas the Tank Engine. So you set up a Train Track with Trains and provide books on trains on the bookshelf. From this you can begin to ask questions to Joseph about Thomas the Tank Engine, if he has been on a train, favorite colour etc.

I'm just giving you something to think about for each of the scenarios. Hopefully this should give you a head start. Feel free to post up your answer and I'm happy to check it, if you're second guessing yourself.
