Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCFC301A Obstacle course Scenario
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CHCFC301A Obstacle course Scenario

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:20 pm
by Steffelz
Hey, I have a scenario, and I have come up with an answer, I was just wondering if anyone could check it for me.

Scenario 2
Erin has created an obstacle course for the preschool children at the service/centre. Erin has been asked by the Director to adapt it for the school aged children that are arriving for after school hours care. The playground area is quite large and there is extra outdoor equipment available.

What adaptations could Erin make in response to the different physical skills?

- Different activities (age appropriate) with different height levels
- Extend the course by adding more activities
- The course could be more complex
- The course could have more rules
- She could incorporate things such as an army crawl, Throwing something at a target, skipping rope, running while balancing a beanbag on their heads, skipping while saying a rhyme, hand stands, ring toss etc.

What key changes would you expect Erin to make when accommodating the two age groups?

- Complexity, mor complex for the older children and more simple for the younger ones
- More hands on supervision will be needed with the younger children
- Height of equipment
- The length of the course
- Co-ordination related activities.

Do I need to add anything or change anything?
Thanks again guys

Re: CHCFC301A Obstacle course Scenario

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:04 am
by fchaudari76
I think that is pretty good, I cannot think of anything more you could add perhaps you could get the older kids to assist the younger ones as well.
Or kind of teamwork exercise where the younger kids do as much of the course as they can then tag an older team member who does the harder bits or something like this which would be beneficial for both age groups as it would teach the older ones to help and be patient with the older ones and teach the younger ones that they can play & get alone and socialise outside of their own age bracket, good for when they do go to school

Re: CHCFC301A Obstacle course Scenario

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:32 pm
by Steffelz
Thanks so much Fefe