Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECEC005 - Transitioning From Home To Care
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CHCECEC005 - Transitioning From Home To Care

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:13 pm
by Eilleen
this is the question not sure what they are asking
age of the child, and record what happens in a log similar to the following.
Summarize your observations by giving your opinion of whether the transition was successful or not and what you think could be done to improve the transition for the child.
Also summarize one key concept from attachment theory and relate it to a baby or toddler’s transition from home to care.

My answer is
The pickup/ drop off is already done before I get to the Centre and after I have left the Centre meaning that I start at 9 and the children are already there and I leave at 3 and children don’t get picked up till after 4. I am not sure how I can achieve this

Please help

Re: CHCECEC005 - Transitioning From Home To Care

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:21 am
by Lorina
For the purpose f this task you would probably need to go into work earlier so you can get this question done. Instead of working from 9 for one day just go in earlier... Talk to your centre director about it...


Re: CHCECEC005 - Transitioning From Home To Care

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:33 am
by veronicanguyen
Maybe you can come to work before the drop-off for a few days.
Here are what you can do to improve the transition:
- Prepare some interesting games/ activities for the child: fishing game, dress-up game or dancing game. Approach the child immediately when the child arrives and offer the child games/ activities he likes. Games/ Activities can help to distract the child.
- Make the environment more interesting. New decoration.
- Develop attachment between you and the child. When the child is used to you, he will feel more comfortable in transition time.
- Me the child's time at the Centre interesting and fun for him.
- Depend one the child's age, maybe you can ask parents to read the child a book about going to Centre the night before.

Hope it helps.