CHCECE016 relevant authorities in SA to source health information
Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:04 pm
Q. List the relevant authorities in your state/ territory that you can source up-to-date health information.
A. I have googled this and gone over the entire section notes again for info in regards to this and cant come up with a thing specific to South Austrlaia..
Due to patient/doctor confidentiality I'm assuming the question is referring to where educators can source info if a child becomes ill or if they need to confirm immunisation?
Healthdirect Australia -Provides access 24 hours a day to health advice and health information.
Services include the telephone triage and health advice information line on 1800 022 222; the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline; health information; and the After Hours GP Helpline.
A childs 'bluebook' history in regards to immunisation or Australian Childhood Immunisation Register-A national register that records vaccinations given to children under 7 years. of age.
SA Department of Education and Communities
CaFHS Centres

Q. List the relevant authorities in your state/ territory that you can source up-to-date health information.
A. I have googled this and gone over the entire section notes again for info in regards to this and cant come up with a thing specific to South Austrlaia..
Due to patient/doctor confidentiality I'm assuming the question is referring to where educators can source info if a child becomes ill or if they need to confirm immunisation?
Healthdirect Australia -Provides access 24 hours a day to health advice and health information.
Services include the telephone triage and health advice information line on 1800 022 222; the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline; health information; and the After Hours GP Helpline.
A childs 'bluebook' history in regards to immunisation or Australian Childhood Immunisation Register-A national register that records vaccinations given to children under 7 years. of age.
SA Department of Education and Communities
CaFHS Centres