Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE010- Supporting Stages Of Development
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CHCECE010- Supporting Stages Of Development

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:06 pm
by sush11
Q1 Explain how you support physical development for each age group:
0-12 mounts
12-36 mounts
36 mounts-6years

Q2 Explain how you support social development for each age group:
0-12 months
12 months to 36 months
36 months to 6 years

Q3 . Explain how you support emotional development for each age group:
0-12 months
12 months to 36 months
36 months to 6 years

Q4 . Explain how you support cognitive development for each age group:
0-12 months
12 months to 36 months
36 months to 6 years

Q5 . Explain how you support communication development for each age group:
0-12 months
12 months to 36 months
36 months to 6 years

I am not able to differentiate the answer between these question

for 1st question my answer is
Explain how you support physical development for each age group:
0-12 months
Placing some objects in sight that will encourage them to crawl and reach to it, giving them objects to hold with fingers, encourage baby to crawl to you by standing at some distance and calling to reach to you, providing objects to play with, placing mirrors in playing area so they can judge their self.
12 months to 36 months
Providing open space for them to learn run, providing color pens, papers to draw, provide pushes and pulls toys, pickup and through toy to play with, providing small chairs for eating and for activities, encouraging for self-feeding
36 months to 6 years
Providing small pedal bikes, cars, stairs and slide, balancing rod, sand pit and toys, climbing, hanging and swinging toys. Providing craft materials for crafting. Encouraging them for jumping, dancing .

Is that on right track.

Can you please help to support remaining question.

Thank you....

Re: CHCECE010- Supporting Stages Of Development

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:02 am
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track!

This will also help for the other stages of development:

Child Development


Re: CHCECE010- Supporting Stages Of Development

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:15 pm
by sush11
Thank you.. Shared information really help me, but these are milestone and i need to write how do you support ?