Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE010 - Support & Encourage Children In Their Own Health
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CHCECE010 - Support & Encourage Children In Their Own Health

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:38 pm
by bornnbrednz
Question 4

How would you support and encourage children to take increasing responsibility for their own health and well-being?

Your answer should provide adequate information for your assessor to get a clear picture of this, or you may be required to provide additional information and comment.
My answer so far...
To support and encourage children to take increasing responsibility for their own health and well being I would:
. plan physical activities such as dance, sports and movement games
. provide a wide range of resources to develop children's fine and gross motor skills such as threading, writing, painting, obstacle courses, hula hoops and balls
. offer routines, experiences and engage in conversations with children about safety, healthy lifestyles and nutrition
. communicate with children's families about games and activities they may use within their homes

Am i on the right track?
any help would be great thank you :)

Re: CHCECE010 - Support & Encourage Children In Their Own Health

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:14 am
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track! :thumbup:

You can also check ot the following (particularly 3.2):

How Children Achieve Outcomes

Hope this helps,
