Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE010 - Preparing Child Development Charts
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CHCECE010 - Preparing Child Development Charts

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:30 am
by lellymon
Hi really needing help i have been trying to do this for the past month and falling a little behind in my studies so if there is any one that could help
with tips or web sits to help would be great or even tell me if im on the right track

30740/03 Project
This project is in three parts. You are required to complete each part of the project.
Part A – The whole child
This assessment task requires you to prepare a set of child development charts that summarise major achievements/milestones under each developmental area for children in the below age groups:
• 6 months – 1 year
• 1–2 years
• 2–3 years
• 3–4 years
• 4–5 years
• 5-6 years.

In each chart, for each developmental area, put in point form three (3) typical major achievements/milestones of children in the identified age range. For example, you may list the below major achievements under communication development for a child aged between 1-2 years as follows:
The 1-2 year old child can:
• say about 50 words but can understand whole sentences
• put two to three sentences together to form a simple sentence
• understand the meaning of actions words.

Keep in mind that this part of the task requires you to focus on the major achievements and milestones in each age range only.
Once you have listed major achievements/milestones, you are then required to identify in each chart an example of:
a) a one-on-one interaction that could encourage development of the milestone skill
b) how you could use daily routines such as, nappy changes, toileting and mealtimes as a way to support children acquire and practise skills
c) an experience to support development of the milestone skill.
You must do the above for each achievements/milestone listed. For each experience suggested link it to an EYLF outcome.

Re: CHCECE010 - Preparing Child Development Charts

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:15 pm
by Lorina
I had a read through your project and what you have come up with thus far I'd say is on the right track! You got some good ideas for interactions and experiences to use for the child's development! For the rest of your responses, there are some ideas available in our "Activities" page. Each activity has the developmental milestones achieved as well as linking to the EYLF and what to do for the activity, so this may give you some more ideas:


If you're having difficulties coming up with experiences it's probably best to also Google it. For example "activity to support gross motor skills toddler" and you may also be able to find more ides. The only thing is that this may take a long time...

Here is some more info that may help:

Supporting Gross Motor Skills
Social Development Skills

Hope this helps you to finish this project!
