Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE009 Use an approved framework to guide practices
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CHCECE009 Use an approved framework to guide practices

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:21 pm
by dell22
Hi i could really use some help with this question as i am not sure i am answering it correctly.

Provide examples of practice that show how you would (or do) apply the outcomes of the EYLF in your role as an educator.

1.1 Children feel safe, secure, and supported
• acknowledge and respond sensitively to children’s cues and signals.
• respond sensitively to children’s attempts to initiate interactions and conversations.
• support children’s secure attachment through consistent and warm nurturing relationships.
• support children in times of change and bridge the gap between the familiar and the unfamiliar.
• build upon culturally valued child rearing practices and approaches to learning.
• are emotionally available and support children’s expression of their thoughts and feelings.
• recognize that feelings of distress, fear or discomfort may take some time to resolve.
• acknowledge each child’s uniqueness in positive ways.
• spend time interacting and conversing with each child.
1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency
• provide children with strategies to make informed choices about their behaviours.
• promote children’s sense of belonging, connectedness and wellbeing.
• maintain high expectations of each child’s capabilities.
• mediate and assist children to negotiate their rights in relation to the rights of others.
• provide opportunities for children to engage independently with tasks and play.
• display delight, encouragement and enthusiasm for children’s attempts.
• support children’s efforts, assisting and encouraging as appropriate.
• motivate and encourage children to succeed when they are faced with challenges.
• provide time and space for children to engage in both individual and collaborative pursuits.
• build on the culturally valued learning of individual children’s communities.
• encourage children to make choices and decisions.

And so one untill all 5 outcomes are followed.
Please help Thank you