Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE009 - Policies To Be Kept According To The National Regulation
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CHCECE009 - Policies To Be Kept According To The National Regulation

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:42 am
by srh_wzr13
Question: List at least six policies or procedures that should be kept at an education and care service according to the national regulations.

Attempted answer:
1) Maintaining the health and safety of children and ensuring appropriate emergency procedures are practiced within the service.
2) Delivery and collection of children should be from appropriate and authorized personnel.
3) Rights of children are maintained and respected.
4) Maintaining hygiene and taking precautions when handling food/beverages.
5) Appropriate sun protection methods should be maintained and availability of shade be considered when planning outdoor activities.
6) Respecting and valuing the different cultures prevalent at the care setting.
7) The role of parents and families should be respected and supported.

I'm not sure whether this is the correct answer, and i'm confused. Please help.
Thank you.

Re: CHCECE009 - Policies To Be Kept According To The National Regulation

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:00 pm
by Lorina
168 Education and care service must have policies and procedures

(1) The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that the service has in place policies and procedures in relation to the matters set out in subregulation (2).
Penalty: $1000.

Note. These may include policies and procedures prepared by the approved provider in accordance with an education law of the participating jurisdiction.
(2) Policies and procedures are required in relation to the following—
(a) health and safety, including matters relating to—
(i) nutrition, food and beverages, dietary requirements; and
(ii) sun protection; and
(iii) water safety, including safety during any water-based activities; and
(iv) the administration of first aid;
(b) incident, injury, trauma and illness procedures complying with regulation 85;
(c) dealing with infectious diseases, including procedures complying with regulation 88;
(d) dealing with medical conditions in children, including the matters set out in regulation 90;
(e) emergency and evacuation, including the matters set out in regulation 97;
(f) delivery of children to, and collection of children from, education and care service premises, including procedures complying with regulation 99;
(g) excursions, including procedures complying with regulations 100 to 102;
(h) providing a child safe environment;
(i) staffing, including—
(i) a code of conduct for staff members; and
(ii) determining the responsible person present at the service; and
(iii) the participation of volunteers and students on practicum placements;
(j) interactions with children, including the matters set out in regulations 155 and 156;
(k) enrolment and orientation;
(l) governance and management of the service, including confidentiality of records;
(m) the acceptance and refusal of authorisations;
(n) payment of fees and provision of a statement of fees charged by the education and care service;
(o) dealing with complaints.

Hope this helps,


Re: CHCECE009 - Policies To Be Kept According To The National Regulation

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:17 pm
by srh_wzr13
Thank you :)