Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE007 - Scenario: Hiroko - Wanting Shovel For The Sandpit
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CHCECE007 - Scenario: Hiroko - Wanting Shovel For The Sandpit

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:29 pm
by sonugrewal
Hiroko is 3 years old and his family are new to your service and have recently arrived from Japan. One morning in the large outdoor playground you notice that Hiroko is crying in the sandpit. He wants to use the large shovel, but Claire 4 years old, won’t give it to him.
(b) Give at least 1 example of how you could help Hiroko communicate his needs to Claire (considering that he is from a NESB)
Comfort Hiroko and Respond sensitively and appropriately to his efforts to communicate. Talk with him using sign language. Become very good at using children’s particular communication methods. Make extensive use of specialist resource people to enhance support for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and for children with communication difficulties.

(c) Provide 1 example of how you could respond to Claire, to support her in showing care, empathy and respect towards Hiroko
Use positive language, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice when redirecting or discussing children’s behavior with them. Show genuine interest in, understanding of and respect for all children. Encourage other children to use key words or phrases to support participation by children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

:( :( :(
hi i have to re-submit this ...........

Re: CHCECE007 - Scenario: Hiroko - Wanting Shovel For The Sandpit

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:35 pm
by Lorina
Maybe something like:
Give at least 1 example of how you could help Hiroko communicate his needs to Claire

You can walk over to Claire with Hiroko and encourage Hiroko to say "I want shovel please".
Provide 1 example of how you could respond to Claire, to support her in showing care, empathy and respect towards Hiroko

You could explain "Hiroko was really enjoying using the big shovel. He is creating a big cave and can't do it without the shovel. So, lets give Hiroko the shovel to finish his cave and we can't find something else you can use in the meantime while you wait. You could also ask Hiroko if he needs help digging and I'm sure he will need an extra set of hands to help him dig"

Hope this helps,


Re: CHCECE007 - Scenario: Hiroko - Wanting Shovel For The Sandpit

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:04 pm
by sonugrewal
ohhh thank you so much......... :D :thumbup:

Re: CHCECE007 - Scenario: Hiroko - Wanting Shovel For The Sandpit

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:56 pm
by Ellie515
hi I have to answer question one but cant figure out how to word this....
1. Describe two ways that you could involve Hiroko’s family in the learning environment to support their feelings of belonging and connectedness