Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE007 - Importance Of Children Being Expressive
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CHCECE007 - Importance Of Children Being Expressive

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:48 am
by lellymon
hi i need to know if im on the right track and what else i could put in my answer

10. Briefly describe why it is important for children to be able to express their ideas and stories in a variety of situations. Refer to the Early Years Learning Framework to guide your answer


It is important for children to be able to express their ideas and stories in a variety of situation this will allow children to avoid verbal delays.
It will allow them to feel more comfortable expressing in particular ways, it allows children to be creative and learn life skills

can somebody help please

Re: CHCECE007 - Importance Of Children Being Expressive

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:48 am
by Lorina
When a child expresses their own ideas and feelings to make something which is original, for e.g. a picture, a play dough sculpture, a house out of blocks etc, this enables the child to express feelings and ideas more easily than by using words. Not all children are able to communicate their ideas through verbal methods and by providing opportunities for children to express their ideas in a variety of contexts, a child will discover different ways of expressing themselves. This could be through music and movement, dramatic play, art etc...

You could also refer to outcome 5 in the EYLF.

Hope this helps,
