Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE004 promote and provide healthy food and drinks
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CHCECE004 promote and provide healthy food and drinks

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:41 pm
by Cobymorgan
Scenario: you are preparing a meal/snack in collaboration with a group of 3-4 year olds. Within the group you have a child who is dairy intolerant, one child who is gluten intolerant and two of the children are Muslim.
Have I chosen to make apple pancakes.
Question1: document how you would collaborate with the children to gain their ideas in relation to the meals/snack.
Question 2: list 3 questions you would ask the children during this joint planning.
Question 3: explain how the meal/snack meet the children's nutritional needs as per the dietary guidelines for children and adolescents in Australia.

The ingredients are:
Gluten free plain flour
Soy milk
Nutmeg (to taste)
Cardamom (to taste)
Coconut oil for cooking
Bananas - cut up and put on top
Strawberries - cut up and put on top
Blueberries - cut up and put on top
Honey - drizzled over

Anyone's help would be so much appreciated :)