CHCECE003 - Checking If Cots Meet Australian Approved Standards
Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:25 pm
Can I please get help for the below question
Q)How do you check that cots, bedding and equipment for safe sleep meet the Australian Approved Standards?
My Answer - All cots, bedding and equipment for sleep should meet the Australian Approved standards, they must carry a label of (AS2172). Check if te cots are wobbly or there are any broken parts that makes the cot weak. Gaps a toddleror a baby can get caught in.Knobs, corner posts or exposed bolts that can hook on to a toddlers or baby's clothing around the neck.Sides that are too low and can be climbed over by active little toddlers.Sharp catches or holes in the wood that can hurt curious little fingures.Paint that may contain poisonous lead.
What more can I add to this.
Thank You
Can I please get help for the below question
Q)How do you check that cots, bedding and equipment for safe sleep meet the Australian Approved Standards?
My Answer - All cots, bedding and equipment for sleep should meet the Australian Approved standards, they must carry a label of (AS2172). Check if te cots are wobbly or there are any broken parts that makes the cot weak. Gaps a toddleror a baby can get caught in.Knobs, corner posts or exposed bolts that can hook on to a toddlers or baby's clothing around the neck.Sides that are too low and can be climbed over by active little toddlers.Sharp catches or holes in the wood that can hurt curious little fingures.Paint that may contain poisonous lead.
What more can I add to this.
Thank You