Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE002: Scenarios - Referencing To Regulations, Law, Ethics, Policies
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CHCECE002: Scenarios - Referencing To Regulations, Law, Ethics, Policies

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:19 am
by Nic-Nic
Question: The children in the following scenarios represent children in the 0-5 age range. Complete all the scenarios by answering each of the question.

Each answer should be at least 50-100 words in length in formulating your response for each scenario you must make reference to at least two of the following:

National Quality Standards
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Code of Ethics
Early years Learning Framework
Education and Care Service National Regulations
Relevant service policy
Staying Healthy in Childcare

Scenario 1: Implement infection prevention and control strategies

An educator picked up a baby after sleep time and found she had vomited in her cot. The service does not have a written procedure for dealing with such a situation.

Write a step-by-step account of how to clean the baby, the cot and the sheets. Make note of:

The cleaning process,
The cleaning equipment required,
The disposal of contaminated waste,
How to minimise the risk of infection of others,
Documentation required after this incident

Answer so far: Just wanna see if I'm on the right track...

Scenario 1: Firstly I would put gloves on. Then I would pick up the child and take him or her to the bathroom to wash child's hands, faces with warm face washer and change the child's clothes if they vomited on them. Take the gloves off put them in the bin. I would place the child down in an area away from other children to prevent other children getting it in case the child has a virus. If there is another supervisor around and available I would advise the supervisor to what happened and ask them to contact the child's parents to advise them that the child vomited and that they would have to come and collect there child due to child being ill. I would then ask the supervisor to keep an eye on the child while I strip the cot out to clean it. And I would put the sheets into a bag to be washed and disinfected. I then would scrub the cot out with cleaning products such as disinfected with HOT water. I would then document everything such as Time, Place and what happened ect.

Re: CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:24 am
by Nic-Nic
Oh and I'm sure I'd put gloves on again before stripping the cot and cleaning the cot out ect.

Re: CHCECE002: Scenarios - Referencing To Regulations, Law, Ethics, Policies

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:56 am
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track with your response!

I'm just providing some more information which you can use to add to your response:

Viral Gastroenteritis

Hope this helps,
