Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE002 - Regulations For Storage Of Linen
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CHCECE002 - Regulations For Storage Of Linen

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:18 pm
by shyannee
Struggling to find the answer to this question, please help!!

Refer to the National regulations to research the requirements for the hygienic storage and labelling of children's linen. What measures do the regulations require services to take to ensure soiled and clean linen is stored and used correctly?

Re: CHCECE002 - Regulations For Storage Of Linen

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:05 pm
by Lorina
I have this information:

Rest mats Cleaning and Storage:

- preferably parents should bring individual child’s bedding (mats and covers) each day,
- if vinyl sided mats or their covers are soiled, clean with neutral detergent and water
- wash covers routinely, at least once a week
- vinyl sided mats stored in the centre should be routinely cleaned, at least once a week, with neutral detergent and water if soiled,
- if cloth surfaces are soiled, wash with neutral detergent and water.
- store mats so that the clean surfaces are not contaminated with unclean surfaces
- preferably send individual child’s linen, mattress and rest mat covers home with the family for washing each day
- ensure all bedding, used by the child or staff member are washed and dried in the sun, or give the child’s clothes to the family to wash

However, I cannot find the source as it is not in the Regulations...
