Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE001 - Evaluating Culturally Respectful Practices
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CHCECE001 - Evaluating Culturally Respectful Practices

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:20 am
by Anureet Aneja
Please can anyone help i am stuck on one question?

Critical reflect about your service practices. Provide two examples of how culturally respectful practices are evaluated. Please include in your response:

i. Who is involved within your service critical reflection and evaluation processes?

Can anyone please let me know what this question is about???

Thanks in advance


Re: CHCECE001 - Evaluating Culturally Respectful Practices

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:27 pm
by Lorina
An essential part of the functioning of a team is being aware of cultural practices and/or differences and using effective communication techniques to further understanding.
To effectively contribute to best practice in an organisation workers need to consider that values are beliefs and attitudes they may have about:

how things should be in the world
how people should act in certain circumstances
how the important aspects of life are handled, e.g. money, family, relationships, power, male and female roles.
These beliefs and attitudes are extremely important and personal. Values are formed and absorbed by people as they develop through childhood. Customary ways of behaving and responding to situations can vary considerably from one society to another.

You should not see these customs as right or wrong; you should learn to understand the reasons behind them. Such customs or patterns of behaviour are very important, especially in the aged community or in migrants who may find comfort in continuing practices remembered from their country of origin. You should always:

be respectful of cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs. e.g removing shoes before entering a home
show consideration, e.g. think of the needs of others from their point of view
be polite, e.g. use the preferred title and the appropriate tone of voice, listen to others address each other
show genuine interest
respect a person’s right to privacy and confidentiality.

Ref: Cultural Practices

So, you need to determine if your service provides culturally respectful practices and who will be involved in reflecting and evaluating the cultural practices used at the centre...
