Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCDIV002 evaluate cultural safety strategies
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CHCDIV002 evaluate cultural safety strategies

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:47 pm
by young
Our Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
Your Assignment Type:
Your knowledge: Beginner

Examine your own workplace and its cultural safety strategies. Are they sufficient?
State which outcomes you are measuring cultural safety against, and suggest revisions to insufficient strategies.

Our centre makes sure children and families have an environment that is spiritual, socially and emotionally safe, as well as physically safe; where there is no assault challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. I think the strategies are sufficient.

1. Develop understanding from the family through a variety of method to gain this different cultures and values and respect those differences.

2. By being flexibility is the key strategy to working in a multicultural environment and when communicating and interacting with families; flexibility is so important in dealing with anything that does not confirm to our own beliefs. Being effective in how you communicate will demonstrate respect for the family culture diversity.

3. enable the participation of children when age and developmentally appropriate, families and communities in planning and decision-making processes

4. Our centre is responsive to the need of my children, make them feel loved and excepted. we encourage mutual trust with children and their families having an open and honest communication.

5. We promote a strong sense of community and engagement between children and parents. Engaging families by inviting them to visit, speak, bring in cultural or work artefacts to share and participate in children’s programs fosters enormous sense of pride and consecutiveness for children and feel strongly to care for one another.

6. Use of culturally appropriate language, photographs and artwork for Aboriginal children and links to cultural safety and child safety information.

Your response should clearly state your outcome for measurement. You can measure against 4 principles of cultural safety or alternatively You can also relate practices to principles and practices of Early Years Learning Framework or National Quality Areas while measuring the cultural safety strategies in your workplace.
We are looking for specific examples of practices. Here is an example for you. Example- The program at our service involves enhancing children’s learning on different cultures. We provide multicultural resources such as dress ups.. This relates to quality Area 1.
We celebrate multicultural day and invite families to be a part of it. This relates to EYLF principle Partnership. So first of all you are to identify the examples of practices and then link them to quality areas, Principles/ practices of EYLF.

The feedback gave me a lot of guidance, but I still have no idea. Anyone can help me ?thanks.

Re: CHCDIV002 evaluate cultural safety strategies

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:02 am
by Lorina
This may give you some more information, that may help:

Culutral Safety in The Workplace
