Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations
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CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:14 pm
Hi have just joined this site so i hope i am doing this correctly. Was wondering if i could get a little advice, struggling with two questions, i seem to be having trouble separating obligations from legal responsibilities and was wondering if i could get a little guidance on these questions-i will put what i have and any feedback would be greatly appreciated thank you
Firstly: Describe three of your major obligations when working with children and how you apply them to your work.
to provide children with safe environment, by following industry guidlines; develop positive and open relationships with families, by providing up to date information on the service and providing them with the opportunity to be involved: maintain an environment that provides the children with an opportunity to grow and futher their interests.
second question: be familiar with and have access to regulations; use regulations and acts to determine your actions; implement prodedures that link to regualtions and acts....not sure if i should be referring to confidentiality/ privacy; duty of care; reporting of abuse etc....

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:30 pm
sorry the second question should have read: describe three legal responsibilities you have to comply with in your tasks.....

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:27 pm
by Lorina
Hi Rj,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

I have had a read through your responses and you pretty much have everything covered. I do have some points that you can add to support your answers.

Firstly: Describe three of your major obligations when working with children and how you apply them to your work.

-Provide Duty of Care: The fundamental obligation that anyone working in child care, whatever the type of service and whatever their role, is to keep children safe. Parents of children in care of course share this concern and priority. The
legal term duty of care refers to this obligation and has major implications for the organization and operation of services.

-Work within the Code of Ethics: I'm attaching a copy of the Code of Ethics for you to read for more information.

[attachment=0]code_of_ethics_ early_childhood.pdf[/attachment]

describe three legal responsibilities you have to comply with in your tasks...

For this question you can also add the following points:

- Following the center's policies and procedures.

- Adhere by the Child Protection Act

- Follow OHS Safety Regulations

Cheers :geek:,

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 pm
thank you

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:04 pm
by ashley
hi i am new here as well.
i am just stuck on discribe three of your major obligations when working with children and how you apply them to your work. is that like duty of care, and confidentiality.
if anyone can help me i would be really appriciative
thanks ashley :)

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:42 pm
by Lorina
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

Yes you are on the right track... duty of care and confidentiality are part of the major obligations when working with children. Also consider following centers policies, working within the code of ethics, following OH&S procedures etc... Have a read through the above posts to get more of an idea of what you can include.

Let me know how you go,

Cheers :geek:,

Re: CHCCS400C- Working Obligations, Access To Regulations

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:37 pm
by ashley
thank you so much. i am pretty sure i am on the right track