CHCCS400C - Responsibility towards a child who does not speak English at home?
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:41 pm
Hi All,
I've just started my Cert III in Child care and am currently working on the "Work within a Relevant Legal and Ethical Framework" unit, I'm having a bit of trouble with one of the questions which is "What is your responsibility towards a child who does not speak English at home?"
Most of the answers to questions I've had so far I have been able to find in the in my student work book but this one not some much, I have found some things in there;
1. Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunities Legislation referring to: "Children having the same rights as all human beings; to be treated without discrimination on the grounds of colour, sex, language, race, religion, nationality, birth or political status."
2. Developing Cultural sensitivity - "There are a number of steps educators can take to develop cultural sensitivity with families, co-workers and children from CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) backgrounds" - This includes a list of those steps.
3. "Recognise and respond to cultural/linguistic religious diversity, for example providing interpreters where necessary - Early Childhood services usually seek information regarding a family's cultural, linguistic or religious background upon enrollment of their child. Recognising and honoring 'the histories, cultures. languages, traditions, etc of families is a recommended practice in EYLF.... It may be necessary to provide an interpreter when a child's family are not proficient in English... "
I'm not really sure if this is the kind of answer they are looking for, I suppose as a 'legal and ethical' answer it would be about Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunities but as I said I'm not really sure what they want
To anyone who has read this really long question... thank you for taking the time to read it and I would appreciate any help you can give me
Thank you,
I've just started my Cert III in Child care and am currently working on the "Work within a Relevant Legal and Ethical Framework" unit, I'm having a bit of trouble with one of the questions which is "What is your responsibility towards a child who does not speak English at home?"
Most of the answers to questions I've had so far I have been able to find in the in my student work book but this one not some much, I have found some things in there;
1. Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunities Legislation referring to: "Children having the same rights as all human beings; to be treated without discrimination on the grounds of colour, sex, language, race, religion, nationality, birth or political status."
2. Developing Cultural sensitivity - "There are a number of steps educators can take to develop cultural sensitivity with families, co-workers and children from CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) backgrounds" - This includes a list of those steps.
3. "Recognise and respond to cultural/linguistic religious diversity, for example providing interpreters where necessary - Early Childhood services usually seek information regarding a family's cultural, linguistic or religious background upon enrollment of their child. Recognising and honoring 'the histories, cultures. languages, traditions, etc of families is a recommended practice in EYLF.... It may be necessary to provide an interpreter when a child's family are not proficient in English... "
I'm not really sure if this is the kind of answer they are looking for, I suppose as a 'legal and ethical' answer it would be about Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunities but as I said I'm not really sure what they want

To anyone who has read this really long question... thank you for taking the time to read it and I would appreciate any help you can give me

Thank you,