Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCS400A Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework - taking responsibility for your actions
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CHCCS400A Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework - taking responsibility for your actions

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:58 pm
by Rupalakshmi
Hi anyone pls explain this question. I didin't understand this question.

Describe how you take responsibility for your actions. Give example from your workplace.

Here actions means what they mentioning.

Pls explain.
Thank you

Re: CHCCS400A Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:10 pm
by Lorina
Hi Rupa,

For this question I think they want you to describe how you take responsibility for what you choose to do when working in childcare. For e.g - If a child fell over and grazed their knee, what would you do? What actions will you take? How would you take responsibility? For this example you take responsibility by attending to the child, filling out an accident report, signing the form, informing the parents, etc...

Hope this helps and please post up any other scenarios you have come up with for this question,

Cheers :geek:,

Re: CHCCS400A Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework - taking responsibility for your actions

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:35 pm
by Rupalakshmi
Hi L.A.
Thanks for your help. sorry for late thanks. i am sick so i just take rest for last two weeks.
for this question i write same like you said, i gave example and also i just add, if necessory i will take photographs and show someone as a evidence for future use.

My english is not so good so sorry.
thank you