Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCN305A - Providing Care to Babies
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CHCCN305A - Providing Care to Babies

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:51 pm
by FMT
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this site, but have checked to see if any of the answers that have already been posted help so that I don't waste anyones time.

I am having some difficuties with these questions and I was hoping that someone could help/check these answers.

Question 4: Suggest carer strategies that could be used to respond to ot support the infant and the family.

Almas (5 months) - Almas is having difficulty coping in the child care setting Even though the carer has tried to follow Almas' home routine she tends to be restless and fretful during the day, sleeping for only short periods of time. Her parents report that she is not sleeping at night and they are becoming sleep-deprived.

- I was thinking that maybe changing Almas' routine slightly might help her sleep better and maybe suggesting her parents check her room at home as maybe something in there is interupting her sleep.

Noah (18 months) - Noah has been attending child care for 12 months and is usually happy and settled. Recently Noah's parents have been going through a difficult time. Dad lost his job and this has created financial pressures and tension between the parents. Noah's mother has confided in the carer that she and her husband are constantly fighting about money. Noah has become anxious and clingy. He now finds it difficult to separate on arrival and will cling to the carer when mum or dad come to collect him in the afternoon.

- Suggest that the parents go to counselling
- Suggest that parents try not to fight within Noah's hearing
Thank you very much for reading this question.

Re: CHCCN305A - Providing Care to Babies

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:45 pm
by Lorina

Had a quick read through your responses and they all seem good. I will like to add some other suggestions to your questions.
Question 4: Suggest carer strategies that could be used to respond to ot support the infant and the family.

You could also add -

- FInd out if there are any changes at home or within the family.
- Check to see if Almas is teething or unwell.
- Suggest that the parents stay at the centre to play with Almas on pick ups for short periods of time.
- Play soft gentle music or darken the room during sleeps (maybe room in the nursery is too cold or loud noises could be heard.Such as other babies crying etc. This could disrupt Almas sleep at the centre).

For the question regarding Noah maybe you could also offer some information to the family on Government benefits to support the family (Centrelink). Seeing as this is affecting Noah you should also provide extra support and comfort to him. Re-assure him and provide a positive atmosphere.

Have you thought of anything else?

Cheers :geek:,

Re: CHCCN305A - Providing Care to Babies

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:54 pm
by renabee
please I need help to finish the same question but different scenario here is the scenarios and my responses

Ethan 12months has been walking for around six weeks. Usually a happy toddler, Ethan now delights in walking over to other babies and pushing them or pulling their hair. The change in Ethan is of concern to both the carer and the parents.
response :
FInd out if there are any changes at home or within the family, such as new baby or having some visitor at home
I feel i can add more strategies

Lali 16 months from India . her parents are undertaking studies at the university and will be in Australia for tow years, when Lali is not in child care she is cared for by her maternal grandmother who has mad the trip with the family . Lali is used to the attentions of the adults in her life and finds the unfamiliar surroundings of child care difficult. she follows the carer around whimpering and holding her arms up to be carried . Lali has been at the centre for six weeks and attends tow days per week. Lali’s parents speak fluent English . her grandmother talks to Lali in Assamese.
Response :
Maybe the carer can learn some Assamese words to use it during the interaction with Lali so it makes Lali feel more comfortable
if it possible ask the grandmother to came and stay with Lali for short time
involve Lali with group activities

any more strategies please advise

Thanks for help

Re: CHCCN305A - Providing Care to Babies

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:41 am
by renabee
hello i posted the questions for the second time pleases I need help to finish the scenario here is the scenarios and my responses to support the child and the family

Ethan 12months has been walking for around six weeks. Usually a happy toddler, Ethan now delights in walking over to other babies and pushing them or pulling their hair. The change in Ethan is of concern to both the carer and the parents.
response :
FInd out if there are any changes at home or within the family, such as new baby or having some visitor at home
he might be being tired
I feel i can add more strategies

Lali 16 months from India . her parents are undertaking studies at the university and will be in Australia for tow years, when Lali is not in child care she is cared for by her maternal grandmother who has mad the trip with the family . Lali is used to the attentions of the adults in her life and finds the unfamiliar surroundings of child care difficult. she follows the carer around whimpering and holding her arms up to be carried . Lali has been at the centre for six weeks and attends tow days per week. Lali’s parents speak fluent English . her grandmother talks to Lali in Assamese.
Response :
Maybe the carer can learn some Assamese words to use it during the interaction with Lali so it makes Lali feel more comfortable
if it possible ask the grandmother to came and stay with Lali for short time
involve Lali with group activities

any more strategies please advise and any help will highly apprciated

Thanks for help