Aussie Childcare Network Forum • chccn305a
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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:14 am
by anhiyas
hello everyone, i need help to check if im on the right track. thank you and god bless us

Re: chccn305a

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:24 am
by Lorina
Hi An,

I just had a look at your response to the assignment questions... With the following question "Describe strategies the centre could use to assist Ellie to settle into care" the answer you had given seems to come directly from the "Separation Anxiety" article that is available on this site in Resources.... Please keep in mind that the points in this article refers to how a parent is able to deal with their child's separation anxiety... As a childcare professional the strategies will be a little different... For example: you could suggest orientation visits for Ellie and her parents. This means that Ellie along with one of her parents will join in the play session for an hour or so. On the days that Ellie attend you can add toys and activities that she enjoys etc...

The rest of the responses are fine and answered well... :thumbup:

Just a quick question did you find the Separation Anxiety article on this site or is it included in your booklet/assignment question?

Cheers :geek:,

Re: chccn305a

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:37 pm
by anhiyas
Hi l.a,
thank you very much for your response,but how about this questions below below, pls assist me me if im on the right track.

Describe the ways to comfort Ellie is she becomes distressed?
Ans. She can be comforted by being given her dummy or her comforter and given the cuddle.

questions. Why it is important to meet baby cues and her emotional needs?(refer to attachment and emotional theory)
Ans. Physical attachment to maintain a closeness to a specific needs and to the baby secure all the time. and bonding for healthy development of a baby.
It is important to meet baby emotional development like crying and facial expressions, as a career we need to respond calmly quickly and appropriate to meet the needs of nappy change, a feel or a cuddle, and especially the basic needs of a baby like food, water and shelter. And we need to anticipate all the time before the baby become distressed in order to make secure and safety for his development.