Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCN301A Anaphylaxis medication
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CHCCN301A Anaphylaxis medication

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:13 pm
by Steffelz
Hey guys, Im having some trouble figuring out what this question is asking me. The question is

Explain the process for administering medication for anaphylaxis according to your service/centre policies and procedures.
My first thought is that they are asking me to explain how to use an EpiPen, but I have already answered a question on that, so they my just be repeating themselves, because theyve done that before. Ive also just answered a question on the process for administering medication to children, which was my second thought on the answer.
If anyone could shed some light on my situation, id be extremely greatful
thanks :)

Re: CHCCN301A Anaphylaxis medication

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:16 pm
by fchaudari76
They are saying according to your service/centre policies & procedures
so you will need to look up what policy your centre has in this case .... id say it would be what u wrote before about administering the EpiPen but look it up at your centre just in case