Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCECE004 - Provide Support To Families On Healthy Eating
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CHCCECE004 - Provide Support To Families On Healthy Eating

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:07 pm
by bornnbrednz
Question: Provide several examples of how you might provide education and support to families about healthy eating, while respecting cultural and religious differences.

so far I have come up with these but am not sure if they are right...
. By displaying posters within the service
. By providing parents with information booklets to take home
. By holding a seminar or information evening for parents and staff
. By encouraging a cultural/religious meals day in the centre

If these are right and I'm on the right track I still cant think of any more :-(
Please help

Thanks in advance

Re: CHCCECE004 - Provide Support To Families On Healthy Eating

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:01 am
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track! Here are some more ideas that I can think of:

How about in the newsletter you can share a recipe from a family within the centre. Using the main ingredient in the recipe you can add a brief description of the health benefits of that particular item. For e.g. "coconut".

Including a multicultural menu for the children

Put up a display on different countries with the most popular food item (healthy) and the benefits from eating it.

Encouraging families to swap and try recipes with others.

Have a multicultural "dinner party" each family can bring a food from their culture to share.

Hope this helps,
