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CHCC305A - Care for Babies: Reflection Journal
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:10 pm
by anhiyas
hello to everyone ,i need some help to check my answer if its correct,i'm ataching the files with questions and aswer pls give me some idea on how to improve my assignment. thank you
by anhiyas
Re: chcc305a provide care for babies
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:59 am
by LindyT
Link to performance criteria
Closely monitors babies /infants for signs of hunger ,distress,pain and tiredness
Ans. They looking for physical care ,and how we respond nappy change, rest, food and drink provisions. Comport and cuddles
Being aware of the babies/infants cues (Rubbing eyes - tired etc) and reacting to them appropriately??
Link to performance criteria
Use routines of physical care as opportunities to positively interact with infants
Ans. Talking to baby’s quietly
Listening to babies
responding the the baby's/infants dialogue to that the child knows he/she is heard/acknowledged
Link to performance criteria
Set up physical environment to meet the individual needs of infants
Ans. Provide secure and safe environment
Singing and reading rhymes books
being aware of what is age appropriate for the child and the childs interests I'd be including items I knew the child/ren were previously interested in (Age appropriately) and extend on these interests
just my 5c worth.
Re: chcc305a provide care for babies
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:12 pm
by anhiyas
hello lindy,
thank you so much for your reply,its a big help for me,to additional my answer to my assesment, but how about my answer do im on the right track?hope to hear you from u very soon as my assignment will be due on monday pls i need help. thank you.
Re: chcc305a provide care for babies
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:23 pm
by LindyT
Yes you appear to be on the right track.
Maybe just work the extra bit I have added into your answer if you feel they are appropriate.