Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHC30708 - Sharing Information With Parents About Child's Day
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CHC30708 - Sharing Information With Parents About Child's Day

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:34 pm
by Annejean
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Chc30708. Support care practice
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
In 150 words - outline why it is important to share all information with parents about their child's day?

Outline why it's important for all information to be displayed for other staff members.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
This is important for workers and parents to know if and when the child has eaten and how much, how long they have slept for, how much they have drunk, the amount of wet nappies/ bowel movements and any strange or different behavior for the day.................

As each educator aren't always at the centre, with different shifts and lunch breaks, if all information is documented and displayed we all know what has been happening during the day.........

Description and Message:
As you can see I'm now stuck. Not 150 words each there. Can someone please help me or dire t me where to look for help. Thanks :?

Re: Why important to share all information with parents about their child's day

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:06 pm
by Bekster76
I think it is important so that parents know how their child has spent their day at care. Did they learn something new? Did they achieve something socially, physically? What sort of behaviour did they display and how did they interact with others? What did they eat? Did they sleep? ..... etc etc

Parents always like to be reassured that their child is receiving A+ care and if you can provide them with as much information and insight into their child's day then if gives them peace of mind.

Like you said there are often staff rotations so by having information recorded all staff can contribute the information to the parents.

Hope that helps.

Re: Why important to share all information with parents about their child's day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:55 pm
by rosie.
Hi Anne,
You should be able to you expand on what you've got... eg. why is it important that parents know?
For example, if the parents are informed of when the child last slept and how long for, they will know when to expect them to be tired again.
It's things like that which the parent would know if they'd been with their baby all day, but as they haven't it would help them and make the rest of their day easier.

Also, recording this info will alert parents/carers to a change in the baby's routine (eg. sleeping less now, eating more solids). You could expand on this with what that might tell you with regards to development etc.

The information you record could also be used for health reasons. ie. if a baby has a reaction to a certain food, the records may indicate that they threw up after every meal with dairy in.


Re: Why important to share all information with parents about their child's day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:24 pm
by Annejean
This is great help, thank you both :):)