Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace
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Avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:39 pm
by MJ1991
Hi all,

I'm having a bit of trouble with one of the questions in the "Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk" unit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Question: List examples of an appropriate person/external agency that an educator would approach to avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace.

I've read over and over my student work book and I don't really think it has what I'm looking for in there, the closest part i could find doesn't seem to really make sense with the question. I have written the section below.

Work collaboratively with relevant agencies to ensure maximum effectiveness of report:
Working collaboratively with child protection and other external agencies will help to ensure the maximum effectiveness of a report. These may include bat are not limited to: child protection authorities (i.e. FACS), health professionals and law enforcement officers. It is expected that educators and co-ordinators work collaboratively with other authorities and or professionals to support children who have specific protection needs and that a service has a current list of local community resources that can provide information and support for children, families, educators, co-ordinators, family day care educator assistance and staff members in relation to children at risk of abuse and or neglect (NQS pg 81) (searched for this but all i found was about indoor and outdoor environments :think: )

Child protection should be a shared responsibility within the community and a collaboratively and integrated service system (i.e. an interagency network approach). This will utilise strengths and lead to co-ordinated actions towards achieving positive outcomes for children.

Thank you for reading this post and any help given.

Kind regards,

Re: Avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:00 am
by Lorina
This may help:

ECA- Code Of Ethics


Re: Avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:15 pm
by MJ1991
Hi Lorina,

Thank you for your reply it helped a lot, i also found some more information around online, I have posted my answer below.

Question: List examples of an appropriate person/external agency that an educator would approach to avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace.

• Colleagues
• Child protections authorities
• Health professionals
• Law enforcement officers
• Members of senior management

Thank you for your help

Re: Avoid unethical dilemmas from occurring within the workplace

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:34 am
by Lorina
HI Again Melanie,

Yes, I think you're definitely on the right track! :thumbup:
