Grad. Dip Early Childhood
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:24 pm
I am about to embark on the Grad. Dip in Education (Early Childhood) which is accredited with ACECQA. I'm a teacher in Victoria. As far as I can tell, I can work as a diploma qualified worker straight away and then when I have done half my course I can work as a Bachelor qualified educator. Can someone confirm this? Also has anyone studied with CQUniversity? Thanks
I am about to embark on the Grad. Dip in Education (Early Childhood) which is accredited with ACECQA. I'm a teacher in Victoria. As far as I can tell, I can work as a diploma qualified worker straight away and then when I have done half my course I can work as a Bachelor qualified educator. Can someone confirm this? Also has anyone studied with CQUniversity? Thanks