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20 Animal Counting Action Songs

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From: Aussie Childcare Network

20 Animal Counting Action Songs
Animal Counting Action Songs help children learn and practice counting and develop fine and gross motor skills through actions. The following article provides lyrics to 20 Animal Counting Action Songs. 

20 Animal Action Counting Songs

Five Little Bees
  • Five little bees went flying one day,
    Buzzing around in the garden, hooray!
    One little bee flew far away,
    Now there are four little bees to play.
    (Continue counting down.)

Five Little Kittens

  • Five little kittens playing in the sun,
    One ran away to have some fun.
    Mother called the kitten, "Come back, come back!"
    But only four little kittens came back.
    (Continue counting down.)

Eight Little Puppies

  • Eight little puppies in the backyard playing,
    One ran off, and what did we say?
    "Puppy, puppy, please come back!"
    Now there are seven puppies to play.
    (Continue counting down.)

Seven Little Puppies

  • Seven little bunnies hopping all around,
    One stopped to nibble on the ground.
    Mother called the bunny, "Hop, hop, hop!"
    But only six little bunnies went to the top.
    (Continue counting down.)

Five Little Butterflies

  • Five little butterflies fluttering high,
    One by one they say goodbye.
    Fluttering back to their garden home,
    Leaving four to flutter alone.
    (Continue counting down.)

Nine Little Penguins

  • Nine little penguins sliding on the ice,
    One slipped away, oh, isn't that nice.
    Eight little penguins having so much fun,
    They waddle and waddle until the day is done.
    (Continue counting down.)

Five Little Sheep

  • Five little sheep jumping in the pen,
    One got out and then there were ten.
    Ten little sheep running around,
    One jumped out and made no sound.
    (Continue counting down.)

Seven Little Chickens

  • Seven little chickens pecking at the ground,
    One found a worm and made no sound.
    Mother hen called, "Cluck, cluck, cluck,"
    But only six little chickens came back to look.
    (Continue counting down.)

Three Little Owls

  • Three little owls in an oak tree,
    One flew away, then there were two.
    Two little owls having some fun,
    One flew away, then there was one.
    (Continue counting down.)

Ten Little Crabs

  • Ten little crabs scuttling in the sand,
    One crawled away to find a hiding hand.
    Mother crab called, "Claw, claw, claw,"
    But only nine little crabs returned to the shore.
    (Continue counting down.)

Five Little Ducks

  • Five little ducks went out one day,
    Over the hills and far away.
    Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
    But only four little ducks came back.
    (Continue counting down until no ducks come back, then end with all ducks returning.)

10 In The Bed

  • There were ten in the bed,
    And the little one said, "Roll over, roll over!"
    So they all rolled over and one fell out.
    (Continue counting down until only one is left.)

One Elephant Went Out To Play 

  • One elephant went out to play,
    Upon a spider's web one day.
    He had such enormous fun,
    That he called for another elephant to come.
    (Continue adding elephants.)

Five Green And Speckled Frogs

  • Five green and speckled frogs,
    Sat on a speckled log,
    Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!
    One jumped into the pool,
    Where it was nice and cool,
    Now there are four green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub!
    (Continue counting down until no frogs are left.)

This Old Man, He Played One

  • This old man, he played one,
    He played knick-knack on my thumb;
    With a knick-knack paddywhack,
    Give a dog a bone,
    This old man came rolling home.
    (Continue with numbers up to ten.)

Six Little Ducks That I Once Knew

  •  Six little ducks that I once knew,
    Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too.
    But the one little duck with the feather on his back,
    He led the others with a "Quack, quack, quack!
    (Continue counting down.)

Five Little Monkeys Swinging In A Tree

  • Five little monkeys swinging in the tree,
    Teasing Mr. Crocodile, "You can't catch me, you can't catch me!"
    Along comes Mr. Crocodile as quiet as can be,
    And snaps that monkey right out of the tree.
    (Continue counting down.)

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fishes

  • One little, two little, three little fishies,
    Four little, five little, six little fishies,
    Seven little, eight little, nine little fishies,
    Ten little fishies swimming in the sea.
    (Continue adding or removing fishies.)

Further Reading

We're Going On A Lion Hunt
Five Cranky Crabs
Slippery Fish
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Five Little Caterpillars
See The Bunnies Sleeping

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