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Turning Children's Weaknesses Into Strengths

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From: Aussie Childcare Network

Turning Children's Weaknesses Into Strengths Mercy Health

As Educators when communicating with Parents (through verbal or non-verbal communication), there will be times where we need to discuss issues or concerns that may arise. During this time, we may use negatives to describe the child's behavioural or personality traits (weaknesses) that they may be displaying. However, these weaknesses are hidden strengths, forming the chid's unique personality and abilities.

Traits Commonly Perceived As Weaknesses

Some children's behavioural or personality traits can be considered annoying and tiresome to have to deal with. However, viewing these in a more positive light can help you develop the child's weakness into a strength and understand how to best support the child's overall emotional development and self-esteem.

Turning Weakness Into Strengths

The following are a list of negative traits (weakness) that a child may display that need to be communicated to parents in order to solve issues such as behavioural problems. Instead of listing these as a negative, we should accept these specific traits as a strength and support the child in their sense of self. Here are weaknesses turned into strengths. 

  • Talking too much - Effective Communicators, Articulate.
  • Acting Out - Communicates Deeper Underlying Emotions and Difficulties.
  • Clingy - Affectionate
  • Compulsive- Efficient/Attention to detail
  • Defiant - Strong Beliefs, Courageous
  • Dramatic - Emotionally Aware/Dramatic
  • Fearful - Thoughtful/Careful
  • Goofy/Silly - Joyful/ Entertaining
  • Loud - Exhubrant/Confident
  • Manipulative - Gets Own Needs Met
  • Fussy - Strong Sense Of Self
  • Mean - Powerseeking
  • Messy- Practicing Skills/Learning
  • Lazying Around/Day Dreaming - Out Of The Box Thinkers, Problem Solvers, Creative.
  • Shy - Critical thinkers.
  • Naughty - tactile and experiential learning, curious/Independent
  • Quiet - Thoughtful/Reflective
  • Bossy/Stubborn - firm and assertive/leader
  • Spoiled - Loved
  • Talks Back - Courageous/Hohents
  • Tattletale - Seeks Justice
  • Wants Attention - Speaks Out Needs

Seeing these weaknesses as actual strengths enable you to focus on these emerging traits and provide a new perspective to support and nurture the child. 

The list above will also help you when writing documentation and reports and when communicating with parents. There is no need to talk negatively about a child, focus on the child's strengths that they may be displaying and collaborate together on how to support these. 

Mina Dilip, Ways To Turn Your Child’s Weaknesses Into Strengths

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