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Down By The Bay Where The Watermelons Grow

  • Written by 

From: Aussie Childcare Network

Down By The Bay Where The Watermelons Grow

This silly song will teach children animal names and rhyming concepts. Children will be learning words that make a similar sound to that of the corresponding animal name. 

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a duck
Riding on a truck?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a goat
Cruising on a boat?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a mouse
Building a house?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a frog
Dancing on a log?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a bee
Sipping ice tea?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a fly
Putting on a tie?
Down by the bay.

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say
Have you ever seen a fox
Putting on socks?
Down by the bay
Down by the bay
Dooownnn by the baaaaayyy.

Hints and Tips

  • Have children repeat after you. 
  • Question them which one was their favourite part in the rhyme and why did they like it.
  • The number of animals that can be included here is left up to you.
    Here are some hints –
    Llama – pyjama
    Goose – moose
    Bear – hair
    Bird – shirt
  • Ask kids if they could add something to the song.
  • Use flashcards of the animals or birds you are addressing in the song.
  • Ask children to make sounds of the animals or birds to make the learning more interesting.
  • Also, ask children if they have had watermelons, how do they look and taste like, where do they grow, etc.


  • The Many Little Joys 
  • Learning Station 



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