Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice
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Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:50 am
by Lillypad88
The educator has set up a project on spiders, providing a wide range of opportunities for children to explore and investigate. Kyle, Laila, Asher, Tilly and Maya have contributed to the project in different ways.
Kyle (4 years 6 months) has autism. He functions quite well in the centre as long as his routine is maintained and he is given plenty of unhurried time to complete tasks. Kyle has limited language and uses word/picture cards to communicate. Kyle loves to draw. His drawings are extremely detailed which reflects higc s amazing eye for detail. The educator has provided Kyle with a series of photographs of different types of spider webs for Kyle to examine and draw.
Laila (4 years 8 months) is delayed in all areas of development. She finds it difficult to concentrate and stay on task and prefers experiences where she can move around and interact with materials. The educator has created weaving frames made from small trees branches. Laila is working with the educator to make a spider web. She is able to use her fine motor skills to weave wool around the branches to create a web.
Asher (4 years 2 months) has well developed literacy skills. He likes to research information from books and copy things that interest him into his project book. Today he has a book on spiders which he borrowed from the local library. He is drawing a spider and has asked the educator to help him label the spider’s anatomy. The educator works with Asher using the reference book.
Tilly (4 years) and Maya (4 years 7 months) are making up a song about spiders. The girls have been invited by the educator to sing their song to the group at morning tea.

Identify the strategies used by the educator that demonstrate inclusive practice.
Kyle likes to draw so the Educator has given Kyle a series of photographs of different types of spider webs for Kyle to examine and draw which is a strategy to demonstrate inclusive practice. She also provided a weaving frame to Lalia so she can use her fine motor skills. The Educator works with Asher to help him label the spider’s anatomy as he is interested in spiders. She invited the girls to sing their song to the group which is inclusive practice.
Am I on the right track? Should I add more?
Thank you for your help

Re: Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:23 pm
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track with your response!


Re: Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:36 pm
by Lillypad88
Thank you for your reply Lorina , I submitted this response but got a message:
In order to demonstrate your understanding of inclusive practice you need to identify the strategies used here. Why has the educator catered to the individual children's like and abilities? What is her thought process behind her actions. For example: Kyle likes to draw webs, has she only done this because he likes it or do you think she is considering other factors too, factors relating to inclusion? How does doing this demonstrate inclusion, what will it do for Kyle? What will each aspect of the project do for the children, their ability to take part and their ability to feel competent and included?
I'm not sure what else to add?

Re: Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:44 pm
by Lorina
Gosh they really want you to delve into the answer don't they!

See if these help:

Curriculum Decision Making For Inclusive Practice
Strengthening Inclusive Practice


Re: Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:02 pm
by Lillypad88
yes, I know what you mean :(
Thank you again Lorina

Re: Scenario: Spiders - Inclusive Practice

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:20 pm
by Lorina