Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Sexual Abuse
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Scenario: Ace - Disclosure Of Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:19 pm
by ERBrowning
PLEASE HELP!! I am really struggling with these case studies! How do I answer for these particular situations? I've got lots of research about the different abuses but how do I apply it to actual scenarios? PLEASE HELP :) Thanks

Case study 2
Ace is a 3 year old boy who has attended your service two days per week since he was 9 months old. You have always observed Ace to be a very bright and happy child who is affectionate with both the children and educators at the service.
Recently, Ace, has become very clingy with his mother when she leaves the service, grabbing her legs and crying for her to take him with her. Ace’s mother is bewildered at this change in his behaviour as he previously used to wake up each morning asking, “Kindy today?” and expressing delight when she confirmed it was a kindy day. She also stated that he doesn’t like going anywhere without her and turned on such a fit when she went to go to the hairdressers last week that she ended up taking him with her.
Although toilet trained for the last six months, Ace has started to have ‘accidents’ and refuses to use the toilet. His mother has reported to you that he is chronically constipated and that it hurts him to empty his bowels, so she has put him back in nappies.
One day, while you are outside cleaning out the guinea pig cage, Ace comes and stands next to you and watches. He sits on your lap and you start to talk about the guinea pigs and what pets you would like to own. In the course of your conversation, Ace tells you that he doesn’t want to go to his grandmother’s house anymore, even though she has chickens. He tells you that his uncle makes him pat his bunny every time he goes there and that he doesn’t like it. You ask him if the bunny scratches him or bites him, and Ace tells you that it can’t, but it really hurts him. This doesn’t seem to make sense, so you get a piece of paper and have Ace draw you a picture of the bunny. Ace draws a picture of a man’s genitalia surrounded by pubic hair and tells you “That’s the bunny”.

1. What type(s) of abuse or neglect do you think might be occurring?
2. Use the table below, or similar, to list the indicators of abuse or neglect for the type identified.
3. Who, in your service, would you discuss your concerns with?
4. Who wouldn’t you tell about your concerns?
5. Describe how you would respond to Ace during his disclosure. For example, what would you do during the disclosure, how would you talk to Ace, how would you support and comfort him and what would you avoid doing or saying. Ensure your response is in accordance with your work role and organisational policies and procedures.
6. Identify the actions you would take after the disclosure that will ultimately work towards protecting Ace’s rights. Ensure the steps are in accordance with organisational policies and procedures, and your state or territory’s reporting process.
7. How would you continue to support Ace and maintain his trust?