Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCIC512A - Making Referrals
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CHCIC512A - Making Referrals

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:12 am
by Jimmy
Hi! Not sure how to use this exactly but I need help with some scenarios for this competency. They are as follows:
Read each scenario:
Identify concerns
Suggest an appropriate referral for each child

Clara (3.2 years) often complains of sore eyes. She squints when drawing and often holds picture books close to her face. Clara is quite clumsy and uncoordinated - she often bumps against furniture and trips over.

My Answer
Identified Concern: Visual impairment
Appropriate Referral: Clara to go and have an eye test at a clinical doctor's surgery
(Is this answer to simple?)

Alex (4.2 years) is described by his mother as "slow" in comparison to his older brother. Alex was late learning to talk and has poor fine motor skills. He has difficulty following simple directions and is easily distracted at story time. Alex is also lagging in his cognitive development and is poor at problem solving.

My Answer
Identified Concern: Learning difficulties
Appropriate Referral: (I am unsure of this)

Patrick noticed that James (3 years seemed to watch and follow other chidlren when he gave directions to the children. He also noticed that James closely watched people's faces when being spoken to and didn't seem to hear what was being said unless he was directly facing the speaker. Patrick also noticed that when sitting at the table for lunch James had difficulty in following the conversation of the surrounding children. James has poor articulation - his speech is sometimes difficult to understand.

My Answer
Identified Concern: Hearing impairment
Appropriate Referral: Hearing specialist

Please help me out with my answers and let me know if I can build on them!
Jimmy (Amy)

Re: CHCIC512A - Making Referrals

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:14 pm
by fchaudari76
with learning disabilities etc children are formally assessed ... I am not sure who you go through to get a child assessed but the child will be formally observed before a diagnosis is given the rest of the answers r fine