Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE018 - Responding To Children's Interests That Arise Spontaneously
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CHCECE018 - Responding To Children's Interests That Arise Spontaneously

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:56 pm
by stm9980mts
Hi Lorraina
I am having trouble getting my head around this question in regard to music and movement. I always enjoy reading others queries and your helpful responses which gives perspective and an easier understanding of the way some of these questions are asked.

Provide an example of a situation where a program is designed to respond to children’s interests that arise spontaneously as they participate in music and movement experiences?

I am thinking along the lines of free play time where music is being played in the background and children are dressing up in the home corner and then suddenly hear there favourite action song on the CD player and they go onto the group time mat and start dancing and doing actions to the music?
Am I on the right track?

Re: CHCECE018 - Responding To Children's Interests That Arise Spontaneously

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:03 pm
by Lorina

Great to hear that I've been helpful in your understanding of the question!

Yes, the example you have given is a spontaneous experience that occurs in regards to music/movement however the question asks as they "participate in music and movement experiences". So, for example: if the children are dancing on the mat and they start clapping or stamping their feet to the rhythm of the music, you get the musical instruments for the children to play along with the music or you could focus on rhythm and help children understand what rhythm is etc.

Hope this helps!


Re: CHCECE018 - Responding To Children's Interests That Arise Spontaneously

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:05 pm
by Lorina
You were on the right track with your response, it's just that when I read the question to me it seems like you had to come up with a spontaneous experience during the music and movement activity based on the children's interest.
