Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCDlV002 - Indigenous People Being Self Determining
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CHCDlV002 - Indigenous People Being Self Determining

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:10 pm
by amm93

I am having some trouble answering the following question..

What does it mean to say that indigenous people need to be self-determining and to have some control over community services and programs? What stages might be implemented to support this?

so far I have written this..

To say indigenous people need to be self-determining means having the same rights as other Australians and being in charge of their own lives in the same way as mainstream Australians.
Previous Australian governments have implemented what they thought to be best for Indigenous people without consulting with them. However initiatives developed on the ground in consultation with indigenous people are more likely to work and promote collaboration and partnerships, which lead to self-determination.

Thanks !

Re: CHCDIV002 - Promote Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:38 am
by amm93
amm93 wrote:Hello,

I am having some trouble answering the following question..

What does it mean to say that indigenous people need to be self-determining and to have some control over community services and programs? What stages might be implemented to support this?

so far I have written this..

To say indigenous people need to be self-determining means having the same rights as other Australians and being in charge of their own lives in the same way as mainstream Australians.
Previous Australian governments have implemented what they thought to be best for Indigenous people without consulting with them. However initiatives developed on the ground in consultation with indigenous people are more likely to work and promote collaboration and partnerships, which lead to self-determination.

Thanks !

Re: CHCDlV002 - Indigenous People Being Self Determining

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:16 am
by Lorina
See if the following information helps:

Principles Of Self Determinaton
