Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCDIV001
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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:33 pm
by jazzybec
Rather then completing role Play I have been asked to write out my responses to the following scenarios. Any help or extra information would be greatly appreciated

1. Ability to demonstrate a basic understanding of the culture
2. Use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication
3. Ability to identify any misunderstandings and utilise appropriate responses

Chang is a 3.5 year old Chinese child who has recently been enrolled at the centre. Chang is a diabetic and has issues with wanting sweet things all the time. Chang behaviour becomes erratic in his behaviour when his glucose levels are not maintained. Chu, Chang’s father is the CEO of an international business and is often away. His mother is involved in the Chinese community. Chu and his wife have been living in Australia for 4 years.Normally you chat with Chang’s mother each morning when he is dropped off. Today you missed seeing his mother.The group of children has just returned inside from playing outdoors, Chang is not with the group. A search is being conducted; you are looking in the room. Chang is found hiding in the cupboard and is refusing to come out.Chang is eventually encouraged to come out of the cupboard. Chang’s behaviour has been very out of character for him. Chang has remained out of sorts and had outbursts of anger and frustration for the rest of the day.Chang’s mother arrives to collect him. You have asked to speak with her about Chang’s behaviour today.
I would speak to the mother about Chang’s behaviour and explain the events of the day to her then follow it up by asking her questions about his diabetes (how he has been at home recently, has his diet changed) and about his fathers absence at home (does his fathers schedule chang Chang’s behaviour) etc.
I’m struggling with these scenarios and any help would be greatly appreciated

1. Introduction as the lead educator in the group area
2. Ability to demonstrate a basic understanding of the culture
3. Use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication
4. Ability to identify any misunderstandings and utilise appropriate responses
Mary is a 4 year old Aboriginal girl who had been coming to your centre for a month. Mary has not attended the last 2 weeks.Today Mary’s mother comes to the centre 30 minutes late and drops off Mary as well as another younger child.The Director of the centre is currently not on site and it'll be two hours before they return As the lead educator for the group section you need to discuss with Mary’s mother that she is unable to leave the second younger child. She believes that even though the younger child isn't hers but her ‘sisters’ she can leave the younger child for the day.There are people in the car waiting for Mary and one comes to find out why Mary’s mother is taking so long.Mary’s mother by this time is very demanding; she is having challenges with understanding what you are saying due to your linguistics.
Im not really sure about what I would say here other then that we are unable to accept the younger child as she is not enrolled at the service and therefore is not covered by insurance if anything were to happen to her and as she is not the younger childs parent she is unable to enrol her.
Any help would be really appreciated as this is the last assignment I have left before I finish my diploma!!