Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Am I answering this correctly?
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Am I answering this correctly?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:35 am
by Pinkanat
After you have planned your curriculum you will need to detail what collaborative planning techniques you will use to ensure all educators, families and children have opportunities to contribute to the curriculum.

Collaborative planning techniques:

Educators; Each day all educators will discuss the input or interests to organise a spontaneous lesson/experience. Educators will add comments, thoughts and ideas in the daily reflections about the current curriculum.
Families; This programme allows extensions for parent input daily. Parents will be encouraged to provide feedback/input through verbal communication and StoryPark, this will then be reflected and extended on/ added to the daily programme.
Children; Each day a child initiated experience/extension must be implemented, in each experience the children will be given a choice of materials/activities/ etc. to ensure their input is infused in the curriculum.