Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service
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Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:14 am
by jadira
Need a little help this unit I am really finding challenging....
Do I need to at anything or I'm on the right track

Choose additional needs ensure at least one of these is behavioural disorder and research them. Then answer the following questions:
b. Describe each condition/ disorder
c. Describe how they could/would impact on the service detail any extra support services etc. you may need.
d. How would/does these additional needs impact on families?

Intellectual Disability
Describe each condition/ disorder
Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with an intellectual disability have trouble seeing how things or how events relate to each other. For example, they may find it difficult to understand that forks, knives and spoons all belong to a bigger category called cutlery. They may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. They are likely to have trouble learning in school. To learn effectively, children with an intellectual disability will need certain types of structure and support.

How would/does these additional needs impact on families?
Parents/guardians of children with Intellectual disability is complex and challenging, involving practical in
emotional issues
They often struggle with guilt. One or both parents may feel as though they somehow caused the child to be disabled, whether from genetics, alcohol use, stress, or other logical or illogical reasons. This guilt can harm both the parent's and child’s emotional health if it is not dealt with. Some parents struggle with "why"

Physical Exhaustion and Stress
physical exhaustion can take a toll on the parents of an Intellectual disability child. The degree of this is usually relative to the amount of extra care needed. Feeding, dressing, bathing. The child may have more physician and other health-care appointments and extra homework that the physician give parents to do at home than a typical child.
He or she may also need to be watched to avoid inadvertent self-harm such include head banging, hitting and biting oneself. These additional responsibilities can take a physical toll on a parent, leading to exhaustion.
These additional responsibilities are a high stress on parents and this can take can take a toll on parents and cause relationship stress sometimes this leads to relationships break downs
The Parents/guardians become tired because some children with intellectual disability simply do not sleep for long hours, some have disturbed sleep due to epilepsy, and some wake, remaining alert for large portions of the evening, and therefore require constant observation, supervision and monitoring.
Financial Concerns
Raising a child with an Intellectual disability is hard for parents because in most cases only one parent can be employed because the other parent need to be the full-time career of the child. They more expensive than raising a typical child. These expenses can arise from medical equipment and supplies, medical care, physician, caregiving expenses, private education, tutoring, adaptive learning equipment and specialist’s appointments. The care of the child may last a lifetime instead of 18 years. Parents may have to set aside money in a trust fund for the child's care when they pass away.

Describe how they could/would impact on the service detail any extra support services etc. you may need.
Children with Intellectual disability are 2-4 years behind in development. This tends to affect not only academic performance but also speech development, memory, and attention span their social relationships are often impacted. They can be immature, display some obsessive/compulsive behaviours and lack the understanding of verbal/nonverbal clues and will often have difficulty following rules and routines.
Intellectual disability also impairs children’s adaptive skills, which means that children with Intellectual disability may need help performing the tasks of day-to-day life. The children could tend to be disorganised, clumsy, and forgetful.
The impact on the service would/could be
• Behavioural and social problems
• Difficulty understanding and following social rule
• Have difficulty to adapt or adjust to new situations
• Difficulty to communicating
• Helping with dressing
• Helping with eating
• Difficulty remembering things
• Extra cost for additional staff
• Cost for extra additional resources
• staff could have additional stress due to extra demands

The extra support would be you may need to but on an extra staff member to help the extra demands. Additional staff training in behavioural and social guidance and in story boards
occupational therapist to come in the service to provide extra input and implement or suggest specific strategies

Re: Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:56 pm
by Lorina
Yes, I think you're on the right track with your response! Well detailed!


Re: Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:35 am
by jadira
Thank you Lorina :)

Re: Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:56 pm
by jadira
Sorry just read I have been putting it in the wrong area

Re: Additional Needs And The Impact Of Service

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:05 am
by Lorina
No problem! I've fixed it up for you! :thumbup:
