Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Pay Rates For ECT In LDC
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Pay Rates For ECT In LDC

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:16 pm
by racheli
Hi everyone... Sorry I know the 'wages' topic has been asked quite a few times but I'm just trying to see where to go next in regards to career... I know we don't do the job for the money that's for sure!!!!

I have a Diploma of Children's Services and I'm considering doing a Bachelor. I have the list of wage levels, etc but wondering what level does a Bachelor qualified Educator start on in either a Long Day Care centre or Community Preschool??? I would LOVE to work in a school setting but unfortunately it's REALLY hard to get a perm job where I am located and there is a long waiting list. So I'm just looking at some options!!!


Re: Pay Rates For ECT In LDC

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:38 am
by Lorina
Yes, wages are a popular topic but it's no problem! It's kinda hard to understand the award and sometimes you need to verify information so this forum allows you to do this. No matter how many times it's been asked, I'm always here to help!

Back to your question...As an ECT you would be under the "Educational Services Teachers Award 2010". When completing your degree you're typically either 3 or 4 year trained and this will make a difference of your pay. As a 3 year trained ECT you begin at Level 1 and as a 4 year trained ECT you begin at Level 3.

So, the minimum salary are as follows:

Level 1 - 3 year trained: $39,640/per year
Level 3 - 4 year trained: $41,558/per year

In the Ward it also states a full time employee working in early childhood service (LDC) will be paid an additional 4%.

I'm also adding the Educational Services Teachers Award 2010" for your reference:

Hope this helps you with your decision,


Re: Pay Rates For ECT In LDC

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:54 am
by linsaa fdc
Hi Racheli,
Another option which people don't often consider is becoming a Family Day Care Educator.
I never like talking money when it comes to the children and my job but we do this work to make an income we can live on.
In FDC you set your own fees, can be as full with children as you want [within gov regs. 4 under school age, no more than 7 children in total including your own] work the hours you want and days you want, overnight or weekends, you choose. You can have little ones and/or school age children.
Of coarse if you aren't in your own accommodation it isn't an option.
All the best
Linsaa fdc :wave: