Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Examples Of Programming Formats
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Examples Of Programming Formats

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:22 pm
by Perth
Hello All!

I am working within a non profit community based long day care service in Perth WA, the centre has changed it's programming so many times since the EYLF has been implemented it's making my head hurt!

I am asking for examples, links etc of programming from services that have passed and been through accreditation recently.

My intent is not to steal anyone's work in any way shape or form, simply to use the examples to take to my team so that we can create ONE FINAL programming format where by we are confident it ticks all the boxes for accreditation. Any help or advice is appreciated, naturally ive been through all normal research avenues, but I feel it would be really beneficial for my service (and yours aswel) to gain perspective from others.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Examples Of Programming Formats

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:00 am
by Lorina
Hi Perth,

When it comes to documenting and programming I have learnt that it really differs from each centre. What one centre has implemented is completely different to what another centre is doing. Some centres use mind mapping, some use a journal, some use photos, some use a dairy... There are so many different ways to go about programming. You shouldn't really worry about what centres have "passed" due to accreditation because as long as you are showing that you're implementing the EYLF curriculum framework then that's a very big positive. I don't believe there is a right or wrong for programming. it is based on what you are your centre is comfortable with and can understand and show how you're implementing the needs and interests of the children at the centre etc. Sometimes you just need to start from the beginning...Focus on what you're already doing and go from there... Talk and discuss it with the other educators and see if they have any ideas on what types of programming they would like.

I'm not sure if you have seen them but we do have a couple of curriculum templates available in our templates page. The Play Based Learning & EYLF Learning Outcomes templates were first designed when the EYLF was introduced in 2012. Even though it may seem a little old school, we still get centres using that method because it has all the information available a first glance. Since the EYLF has been developed and new ideas have been introduced I have also developed "Weekly Plan of Significant Learning". This plan focuses only on the significant learning that the children are involved in rather than each and every experience.

Curriculum Plans Templates

Maybe you can use these as inspiration or as a starting point to get thinking about how you can develop your programming...
