Aussie Childcare Network Forum • workbook 3 developmental descriptor for Pre-schoolers.
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workbook 3 developmental descriptor for Pre-schoolers.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:22 pm
by Silbrown
Hello Lorina, me again!,of lol

is the 3er attempt of this workbook and I want to make sure the answer of this question are correct can you please tell me if I am on the right track__ thank you in advance.
Match the example of thinking to the developmental descriptor for Pre-schoolers.
My answer:
Georgia (3 years 9 mths) is exploring paint using primary colours. She mixes red and blue together and notices that they make purple. She tells the Educator “I made purple. I’m going to do blue and green now!’” .......Pre-schoolers can explore cause and effect

Michael (5 years) and Archie (4 years 8 months) are playing a game of snap together. They decide to make the game more challenging by matching 3 cards together instead of 2....Pre-schoolers can observe objects and events with curiosity

The Educator and a small group of children are examining a collection of fossils. Mary (4 years 5 months) notices that two of the fossils have the same circular pattern on them. She states, “These are the same. I wonder what animal made this pattern?”,,,,Pre-schoolers can remember isolated parts rather than seeing the ‘whole’ picture

Jackson (3 years 6 months) is trying to build a block tower as tall as he is. Despite the tower falling over on a number of occasions, he shows determination and perseverance as he stays on task to complete his goal.,.....Pre-schoolers can observe objects and events with curiosity

Two 4 year olds are playing with the camping equipment that has been set up outside. They have made their own tent using a sheet hung over a piece of suspended rope. Arianne says “We need pegs to hold it down so it doesn’t blow away.” After some searching she comes back with some large rocks and places them on the edge of the sheet to hold it down. She explains “That’s what my dad uses to stop his tarp blowing away.”......Pre-schoolers can apply knowledge or experiences to a new context (situation)