Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Shellbie
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Scenario: Shellbie

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:13 pm
by juliajf95
At lunch time the educator serves the children their meals individually in bowls and gives them their own cutlery and sipper cups. She checks the room allergy list before each child receives their bowl. The educator closely supervises all children during mealtime and also keeps a second set of food so that she can offer food to the children learning to feed themselves, ensuring they receive enough food.
Shellbie (12 months) is learning to eat and drink independently at meal times. She enjoys exploring the texture of foods and alternates between using her hands and spoon.
Shellbie always enjoys her meals. When she is finished she lets the educator know by raising her arms and saying ‘Up’.
a) How have the educators ensured Shellbie’s safety while eating her lunch?
  • Sitting on a high chair
    Own plastic bowls, cups
    Checked for allergies
    Served individually
b) How has the educator provided for Shellbie’s growing independence?
the educators are letting Shellbie eat her lunch by herself using a spoon and her hands. Not only that it helps her develop fine motor skills

c) What would you communicate with Shellbie’s parents about her meal times?
I would tell the parent's about how she is starting to use the spoon a bit more than her hands and the different types of food that she likes so far

Please help not sure if I'm on the right track

Re: Scenario: Shellbie

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:44 pm
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track with your response! :thumbup:
